GySgt D's Christian Patriot Outpost


Last updated on 23 SEP 02.

For those of you with no sense of humor (or history, for that matter): This website probably isn't for you. It is updated rarely, as I am busy living my life. Although it focuses tightly on Patriot/survival topics, it is far from being a complete rundown of my interests, beliefs, and attitudes. Furthermore, with the wealth of information already available through the internet, it is challenging to come up with original material. Enjoy what's here.

"For those who can think, the words "gun control" or "New World Order" instinctively cause us to throw a thirty round clip into our weapon, for we are aware that the biggest criminals are the ones who live in Washington D.C. " L. Beam

Tyranny Response Team

Site index

Reloading .223 and .308: "real world" loading data for "real world" rifles. Good fodder for your liberty teeth.

GySgt D's S-2 library: Selected essays and articles of interest to survivalists and christian patriots. Updated rarely.

Book Reviews: Brief book reviews. Updated rarely.

Links: This is my link page. There are many like it, but this one is mine...

Internet Audio Links: A list of some of the better internet audio programs of interest to patriots. There may be a few in here that you weren't aware of.

A Nation of Cowards:Does this apply to you? Read here and find out

How to annoy the IRS: Or, "How to annoy the collection agency for the International Banksters"

How to be an evil overlord: (humor)

"Due in large part to our open borders style of national suicide, America's European population will shrink from 73.6 percent today to 52.8 percent in 2050. What sort of America will your grandchildren inherit? The multiculturalists' delusion of Diversity Disney World where a rainbow of smiling faces celebrates their differences, or a Rwanda with high-tech machetes?" Don Feder

Many years ago, men of strong mind, strong will and strong character used to meet in The Green Dragon Tavern.  Coming together secretly, and often late at night, they met upstairs in the Long Room.  Here . . . they planned the destiny of our country, and plotted the course of freedom which we now sail.  

This meeting site is owned by SSgt D
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