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HERE Our Thoughts and Prayers are for the victims of September 11, 2001 terrorist attack HT Haïnh-Minh Hoà Taán Anh vò phaùp vong thaân Raèm thaùng Baûy naêm Taân-Tî
HT Thích Trí Chôn chuû leã VU-LAN vaø thuyeát-phaùp taïi Chuøa Haûi-ÑöùcTröa Chuû Nhaät 9 thaùng 9, 2001, hoài 11 giôø tröaThoâng-ñieäp VU-LAN 2545 cuûa HT Thích-Huyeàn-Quang
We're the web presence of Northeast Florida Buddhist Association, a 500+ strong membership in Jacksonville, Florida, mostly of Vietnamese Mahayana Buddhists, practicing weekly at our temple locating at 2101 Pickettville Road, Jacksonville, Florida, from 10am. To learn more about us, click on which is still empty for the moment. To check on our schedule and activities, click on . To read Sutras, click on
, Dharma Talks We can be reached (rarely) by phone at 904-781-4183, better by mail at: P.O. Box 60097, Jacksonville, FL 32236-0097, or faster by e-mail at BuddhistI@aol.com Ñaây laø Trang Nhaø cuûa Hoäi Phaät-giaùo Ñoâng-Baéc Florida, chuøa Haûi-Ñöùc, goàm hôn 500 Phaät-töû hoäi-vieân taïi Jacksonville, Florida, vaø vuøng phuï-caän; haàu heát laø Phaät-töû Vieät-nam tî naïn Coäng-saûn, vaø thaønh-vieân cuûa Giaùo-Hoäi Phaät-Giaùo Vieät-Nam Thoáng-Nhaát. Muoán tìm hieåu theâm veà toå chöùc cuõng nhö tình hình Hoäi-vieân vaø thaân-quyeán, xin baám vaøo . Muoán roõ veà quan hoân tang teá, lòch-trình sinh-hoaït ôû chuøa, tin töùc vaø hình aûnh caùc Phaät-söï cuûa Hoäi, xin baám vaøo hoaëc baám thaúng vaøo hay hoaëc . Muoán bieát tin töùc Phaät-giaùo hoaëc tìm caùc taøi-lieäu cuõ, xin baám vaøo . Muoán tìm hieåu toå-chöùc vaø sinh-hoaït cuûa Gia-Ñình Phaät-töû Haûi-Ñöùc, thuoäc Mieàn Toá-Lieân, Giaùo-Hoäi Phaät-Giaùo Vieät-Nam Thoáng-Nhaát, xin baám vaøo .
Muoán ñoïc Kinh tieáng Vieät, xin baám vaøo ; caùc baøi thuyeát phaùp cuõng nhö caùc saùch luaän ôû . Giôùi thieäu saùch ôû , baùo vaø taïp-chí ôû , coøn thô vaên nhaïc ôû vaø . Ñieän-thoaïi cuûa chuùng toâi (raát ít khi coù ngöôøi tuùc tröïc) laø (904)-781-4183; toát nhaát laø gôûi thô tôùi ñòa-chæ 2101 Pickettville Road, Jacksonville, FL 32236-0097, hoaëc ñieän-thö BuddhistI@aol.com You are the