IBM DB2 UDB Performance monitor DB2 Monitor

Small DB2 performance monitoring program, shows active connections with lock information, SQLs in db cache, database snapshots, database objects information, list history.
Can help resolve locking problems, identify worst performing queries.

DB2Mon client is win32/win64 only.
Monitored server is any of UDB 6.1-9.7+ Window, Unix and Linux.

License : freeware
~500k each
Download db2mon + v9.1 client dll
Download db2mon + v8.2 client dll
Download db2mon + v8.1 client dll
Download db2mon + v7.2 client dll
Download db2mon + v6.1 client dll
Download db2mon + v9.5 client dll

Download db2mon + v9.7 client dll(fp2)

Previous version

Yahoo group for new version notification

Comments, suggestions, new feature requests:
Dmitri Liakh chuzhoi at yahoo com

History of changes:

18 December 2009
Small fixes

02 April 2008
Small fixes

05 March 2007
Command line support (-? for the info)

12 Dec 2006
Small fixes for explain

20 Oct 2006
Small fix for reorg check.

15 Oct 2006
Fixed utility status window.
Minor bug fixes.

2 Sep 2006
Fixed v9 connection

09 August 2006
Added v9 build.
Added option to save last user/password. By default it's off.

16 March 2006
Fixed list history.
First attempt to re-write tablespace snapshot view for ESE.
Please let me know if anything is broken.

25 May 2005
Version 8.1 dll was not working with bare 8.1 client (no fixpack applied). Fixed.

17 May 2005
Small adjustments to the explain functionality

15 May 2005
Switched back to context usage for attachment. Please let me know if new version is not working for you.
Added utility status (v8 specific)
Added additional information and reorg status monitoring (v8 specific, use table monitor view). Table switch must be on in order to get reorg info.
Added history for explained SQLs
Various small fixes

21 January 2005
Some people experienced the problems with 8.2 db2mon dll when working with 8.1 db2 client. Added 8.1 dll.

17 January 2005
Fixed small bug in configuration window

03 January 2005
Fixed crash when parsing application snapshot with statement subsections (ESE with DPF). Added internal monitor tracing.

22 December 2004
Recompiled version 8 with 8.2 libraries.

27 October 2004
Fixed lock dependency for the deadlocked applications.
Lock dependecy status(show/hide) is now preserved

23 October 2004
Added option to filter ReorgCheck results by schema. It should speed up calculations for the system with large number of schemas/tables.
Added option to visualize lock dependency between applications (A depends on B which depends on C), to access - right click in application window and "Show lock dependency".
Added option to display current/delayed configuration values (equivalent of the DB2 version 8 "show detail" option of the "get db/dbm cfg" command)
Minor fixes

06 October 2004
Added option to close connection after explain (Edit->Options->Explain tab)

04 October 2004
Added raw snapshot save/load(Edit->save/load). No connection is required for loading(replay mode).

21 September 2004
Maintenance release - added new attributes introduced in latest DB2 fixpacks.

04 May 2004
Fixed agentid value for lock monitor in v7.

03 May 2004
Added first version of "Debug" option for support. Cosmetic changes

Added "Agent Id" for the locks snapshot. Fixed tablespace monitor for v8 and DMS/SMS configuration.

Removed all changes related to context switching (multi-instance attachment, environment clean up) - too buggy (or I do not know how to use it correctly :(.

Hopefully the final fix to context switching (node number selection)

I've finally fixed the node selection on attachment.
Fixed XML output for tablespaces and bufferpools monitors.

Fixed tablespace, lock and table snapshots, which have been broken since 20/01/04

Partially fixed node number selection during attachment (EEE/ESE with DPF) - added "default" option (do not touch system settings). Not visible node selection is equivalent to default - I'm not using "set client" to specify node.
Currently I can not find an API method to reset node after attachment attempt. I know how to set it, but there is no method to reset(and I can't get a default value if %DB2NODE% is not set). You can either manually specify correct node number or open/close program (db2 terminate analog).

Added node number selection during attachemnt (EEE/ESE with DPF specific) - use small button with '^' on top of the window. Fixed minor bugs.

Fixed v7 and v6 dlls link and content.

Added "Db Browser" - information about tables, view, indexes, etc. Not finished.
Added "List history" - history information about backups, reorgs, etc.
Added ReorgCheck equivalent.
Internal code reorganization, various bug fixes.

Due to internal code reorganization and massive changes, the version can be unstable (I tested it fairly well, but...). By default, new version is shipped with v8 dll. If your client version is not v8, please download the corrpesonding zip file and replace the db2mon.dll. In theory db2monitor v7 dll should work with v8 client (not vise versa).

Multi-select save/force for applications. Custom attribute in application window.
Various bug fixes

Added delta values for snapshots (to turn on - edit->options )

Added computer/instance/db tree on attach screen (Alt-t or upper left '>')
Various bug fixes

Added dialog for schema name for SQLs without explicit schema prior explain (Edit->Options)
Fixed packaged SQL explain and some minor bugs

Added explain ability (via dynexpln and epxlain/db2exfmt combo).
Added saving monitor output to file (xml). Fixed some bugs

Added version 6.1 support ( download and replace db2mon.dll if your client version is 6.1)

Added tablespace/bufferpool changed values highlighting. Fixed minor bugs

Fixed db/dbm configuration window for v8 beta

Added tablespace data - allocation, containers information, ability to extend DMS. Connection to db is performed for tablespace data retrieval
Changed application window - more detailed application and statement information. Added support for new statements in cache between snapshots - highlights changed Execution/Preparation or full line if statement is new.
Added DB/DBM configuration information

Added Yahoo group for new version notification
If people will be interested, I will move it to non-"yahoo subscription required" place

Fixed bug with incorrect monitor switches setting. Download this version and check switches option, if you have version with 8-beta support (after 07/30).
Added drop down list of cataloged dbs in attached instance.

Added auto-refresh option - 10s, 30s, 1 and 5 min, default off. The setting value is not preserved across program restarts.

Added db2 8.1 beta support, just few new variable parsing, like memory pools. Because of lack of pre-8 support in the beta, separate dll is required. First attachment is performed using version 7 dll, the attached db version determined and v8 dll is loaded, if necessary.
Can be buggy.
Addition of container information on tablespace snapshot screen rerquires window redesign. I'm lazy, if people think they need it, email me, probably I will add it. In general if you have any ideas about program improvement, please share.

Added db lock snapshot processing

Added FCM parsing for dbm
Redesigned db & dbm section. Added changed values highlighting

Added db, dbm, bufferpool and table snapshots
Added db & node information on attach screen
Added global snapshots for EEE (edit->options)