Created in the mid 1980's by PJ Alexander (then known as Paulie) as an offshoot of Great Water Holt, Clan Island was a place where mainlanders could go to find friends, party, or just hang out with a group of easy-going elves.


Clan Island's real name is Isle of Mountain.  It is 25 by 37 miles, and was renamed by the elves who settled it.  These settlers were originally from a distant mountaintop holt on the World of Two Moons' southern continent.  Consisting of two tribes -- Stone and Sky -- they migrated north in the direction of Great Water Holt, and in GWH 65, claimed the large, uninhabited island off the coast as their home.  Of the 250 elves who embarked on the mass exodus, only 175 survived.

The overall chieftain of these elves was Catstone, a wise and kind elder.  Upon reaching the island, he divided their number into three clans, according to bloodline and skill.  They are Shell Clan, Hill Clan, and Stone Clan.  Each clan has its own chief and sub-chief.

The island itself has two active volcanic craters, and many hot springs and pools.  There are waterfalls and streams, as well as lush foliage.  Rice paddies and other agricultural crops dot the interior steppes of Hill Clan.  A number of creatures indigenous to the area and the sea surrounding the island provide an abundant source of food. 


Clan elves average 4'6" in height, although there are those who are taller and shorter.  They tend to be fair to tan-skinned, with hair color ranging between white and medium ash blond, to henna.  Darker hair is rare and can be traced back to Catstone's bloodline.  They do not have soul names, and while they do not send they are good receivers.  They use high, yodeling calls and drumming to communicate over great distances.  Most Clan elves are very outgoing and love to party.

This information is based on the official GWH Timeline.

Following a drought, a lightning storm in GWH 223 caused a fire to erupt and sweep the parched vegetation.  When the smoke finally cleared, several lives and homes had been lost.  Clan Island supplied Great Water with provisions of food and other goods, taking in many refugees as they helped to rebuild that which was destroyed. 

In GWH 290, a deadly Howling Wind passed over Mountain Clan, headed for Great Water Holt, where it claimed several lives, including elder Ashthorn...and Strutter, beloved to all Clanners, swept away with the serge.  The Clans mourned these losses as well as their own, paying tribute to two good friends.

The Howling Wind of GWH 299 that claimed many lives at Great Water struck Clan Island before it hit the mainland.  Among the Clan casualties was Catstone, who died while trying to get his people in Shell and Hill Clans to safety in the caves of Stone Clan.  His son, Mistcat, is doing his best to take his father's place, and looks to the chiefs for lessons in being a good leader. 


For more information about Clan Island, or if you would like to interact with some of the characters (or have one of
your characters live there!), please contact Paulle or Tami.  Clan Island is not a world unto itself; everyone is welcome to have dealings there!  In other words -- we want people to come over and play with our toys!  Just clear any usage with us, first.  Mmkay?

Please note: we like to "cast" characters with celebrity faces for better artistic visualization.  This does not mean we "own" the rights to that celebrity's likeness and that no one else in the club can have a character who looks like that person.  This is merely to help people to get a better picture in their minds as to what a given elf looks like.


Paulle has created an incredible MAP of Clan Island, based in part on drawings provided by Liz of the original GWH maps.  She's working on the key right now, and as soon as the whole thing passes inspection with our Illustrious Leader, it will be posted here at the site! 

Look for more art of the elves as we get them done.  After a time, I will be taking the simple "head shots" and reducing them, placing them beside their appropriate character write-ups on each Clan page.


Pictures of Clan Island Elves
by PJ and TM Alexander

Take a look at some of the folk associated with Great Water Holt! 

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This site was created by TM Alexander using Microsoft Publisher 2000.  All information pertaining to Clan Island is copyright © 1984, to PJ Alexander (formerly known as Paulie), and © 2000, to PJ and TM Alexander.  Clan Island is an offshoot of Great Water Holt, a club consisting of amateur writers and artists with original characters inspired by and set within the ElfQuest universe, with the blessings of WaRP Graphics.