> Roman Life


Early Roman times, very few slaves, which were used for farmwork. Most manual labor later became slave labor. Plebeians = lower, poor class, had no slaves. Numbers of Slaves – Unknown. Few in early times, many in later times. Scipio Aemilianus – 60,000 Carthiginians, Marius -140,000 Cimbri, Aemilius Paulus – 150,000 greeks, Pompey/Caesar 1 million Gauls/A Under Empire, known, most citizens had at least 10 slaves. Some had 400, 4000, 10,000 20,000 slaves.

Supply -> prisoners of war. Sold quickly (troublesome in hostile territory). Sub hasta venire + Sub corona venire = to be sold into slavery. Spear = sign of public sale. Sale supervised by quaestor. In Empire, slaves bought from Numidia, Alexandria, Cyrene, Greece, Epirus Illyria, Cappadocia. Natural increase in population -> contubernia. Good for individual owner. Slaves acclimated, trained from childhood. -> Vernae

Sales -> public auctions -> supervised by aediles. Tax imposed on imports. Imports: white chalk A scroll from neck had slave¡¯s characteristics: name, nationality, free from diseas Tendency to steal, run away, suicide No guarantees -> cap on head Seller make guarantee, if not on scroll and have defect, must take him back in 6 months or refund. Private sale for special slaves.

Prices – Supply/demand, characteristics, accomplishments, requirements of purchaser Battlefield slaves -> cheap, feared loss due to disease, suicide, fatigue. $1 in Lucullus¡¯ camp. In Rome, $100 for laborer to $28,000 for educated grammarian. $4000 for trained/educated boys Often slaves matched up in color,etc.

Public slaves -> better off, assistants for magistrates, care for public buildings, night fire men Lictors (attendants to official), jailers, executioners.

Private slaves -> familia urbana = slaves in personal service of master Some slaves kept for hire/work on master¡¯s business, such as farm hands (familia rustica) Industrials: many types. Some slaves might get help from master to run business, pay back master with interest or pay fixed annual sum or a share.

City slaves – had only one type of job to do. Nutrix, paedagogus -> for children Nomenclator = slave who prompted master of names of correspondents, people met on street. Accountants, secretaries, agents Dominica potestas (master of slave, power absolute). Slave different from son -> death of master no free slave, can¡¯t hold property, could testify only under torture. Public opinion helped him not

Cruelty to slaves -> not profitable/economical, but done.

Food of Slaves – fed on coarse food, grain, fallen olives, salt fish, sour wine. Received tunic every year, cloak and wooden shoes every 2 years Difficulty of Escape – could not escape, became a bandit if left. Marked with ¡°F¡±, or metal collar on neck.

Slaves¡¯ Property -> peculium -> permission from master -> vicarius (slave of a slave) If died, property went to master. Public slaves were allowed, however, to dispose of half of property by will.

Punishments Beating, flogging with lash -> lash made of cords of leather -> bone pieces/metal buttons Called flagrum/flagellum. Furcifer -> fastened arms and legs, no movement. Forked log Carnifex (executioner) -> the slave who punished the slave. Called Carnifex for the time Harder labor: farm -> grinding mills -> quarry work -> wearing heavier shackles for quarry work, less hours of rest -> gladiators. Torture for actual crimes -> crucifixion -> wife and children of slave -> all slave punished if offender not found.

Crux = cross. [I] ad [malam] crucem.

Manumision -> liberty cap -> master set free slave -> libertus, libertinus (as one of the class) Became patron and freedman (client) -> mutual benefits.

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