> Roman Life


Was not interested in travel. Out of Rome = forgotten.

Correspondence Friends write long letters to person out of Rome. -> Caesar got letters once a month.

Travel by water Sailing ships, canal boats.

Few transportation companies -> a traveler who couldn¡¯t afford charter must wait and

find ship going in right direction. Bad -> boats small, no compass = follow coast = dangerous -> avoid sea travel. Go on land as far as possible. Then short 24 hour/100 mile journey from Brundisium to Dyrrachium.

Travel by land Horseback -> none, no saddles.
Good roads.
Sedan Chairs, litters.
Post routes, regular change of horses, etc.
Rome -> No vehicles allowed from sunrise until middle of afternoon: roads narrow.
4 classes excepted: market wagons, trucks carrying material for public buildings, carriages used by religious priests, chariots triumphal/circus.
Litters: recline in it, used slaves to bear it. Basterna (mules instead of slaves)
Carriages: Carpentum ( 2 wheels) Pilentum (4 wheels) covered, drawn by 2 horses.
Used by vestals/priests, Tarquin came to Rome in one, said Livy Petoritum for triumphal processions, for spoils of war. Baggage wagon. Occupied by servants of traveler
Carruca: luxurious traveling coach, a bed inside. Covered, 4 wheel.
Raedae: large covered wagon, 4 wheels, 2/4 horses, used for families with baggage.
Cisia: light, 2 wheeled cart, 2 horses maybe 3, single seat, driver + passenger.
56 miles in 10 hours, fast??? Cicero. Carts no cushions. Many had Celtic names.
Ancient inns: crappy. Respectables no go there. Went to friend¡¯s house
Moderate prices, 1 cent for pint of wine with bread, 2 cents for other food.hay 2 c Elephant, eagle signs.
Letters -> no postal service -> tabellarii=courier slaves. 26-27 miles on foot,40-50 by cart
Rome to Brundisium 6 days, to athens 15 more. Sicily to Rome 7, Africa 21, Britain 33, Syria 50.
Overseas -> expensive -> send by traders/travelers. Carry letters for strangers
Used cipher code (Caesar 3 letters down, etc), abstract / copy of letter by another.
Writing -> slaves help: librariee, servi ab epistulis, servi a manu, amanuenses
Tabellae (wax tablets) -> stilus, graphium
Papyrus, split reed pens, ink of soot and resinous gums -> Only used for long. Was expensive and poor quality.
Sealing letters: linum(thread), cera(was), signum(seal) -> seal ring, authenticity verify.

EMAIL Celine for articles, ideas, compliments and complains at angry_elephants@hotmail.com