Appalachian State University - Collegiate Middle Level Association
Home | Our Purpose | Contact Information | CMLA is a place to come for... | Calendar of Events | Members Page | Month of the Young Adolescent | Links | Quotations | Fundraisers | NMSA Conference 2003
Contact Information

We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting our web site. We encourage you to contact us if you would like more information or are interested in becoming a part of our organization. 

You may reach us at:
Appalachian State University
Collegiate Middle Level Association
P.O. Box 8960
Boone, NC 28608
Dr. Melanie Greene
Work: (828) 262-2276     
Fax: (828) 262-2686
Dr. Tracy W. Smith
Work: (828) 262-2274
Fax: (828) 262-2686
Dr. Alecia Jackson
Work: (828) 262-6037
Dianne Miller
Vice President:
Howard Weaver III
Summer Wright
Becky Niles
Tabitha Morgan
Other Contacts:
Tim Larick
Lincoln Masters

How Can You Join?
To join we need a completed application and membership dues each semester.  Please contact us or come to a meeting for more information and a copy of the application.

Who can join?
We invite anybody interested in middle level education to join. Members must be able to attend meetings and devote time to participate in the organization.

Collegiate Middle Level Association - Appalachian State University 
8960 ASU * Boone * NC * 28608