Jerry Tucker, KJØT, EC
Colorado District 16 Amateur Radio Emergency Services     |     home
Jerry Tucker, KJØT, EC
Emergency Coordinator for Colorado ARES District 16 is Jerry Tucker, KJØT.  Jerry is also the president of the Thunderbolt Amateur Radio Association of Pueblo, Colorado.

Jerry Tucker, born in San Francisco, California, and reared in Pueblo, Colorado, has been a licensed amateur since the 1970s.

Tucker, who holds an Extra class license, is the Pueblo and Huerfano Counties Emergency Coordinator, CEO of the Thunderbolt Amateur Radio Association, and VE Laison for Pueblo under the ARRL.

He worked for Mountain Bell/ATT for 22 years and is currently retired.  Jerry graduated from Pueblo's East High School in 1962, The University of Colorado (Boulder) in 1982, where he received his Master and Doctorate degrees.