Five-Star Raves from The Net Magazine
Coffeehouse for Writers was chosen as best writing site on the Web in the April issue of the net, the UK's biggest Internet magazine. We couldn't be more thrilled--and we can't wait to welcome all our visitors from the United Kingdom.
What's Brewing?
Beginnings Helps New Writers Get Published We've joined forces with Beginnings Magazine--a publication devoted to new writers. Publishing your fiction or poetry in Beginnings could give you the confidence you need to boost your writing career! CLICK HERE for guidelines.
Cool Workshops! Coffeehouse offers a variety of workshops--each specially blended to suit your individual taste. Some favorites . . .
Writing for Religious Markets
Hooking A Sale
Nurturing the Writer Within
Writing Fiction 101
What the Heck is... Lost? Check out our SITE MAP to find your way around the Coffeehouse site. You might find a variety of cool things you never noticed before!
It's e-volutionary! Master of Horror Pens eBook
On March 14, Simon & Schuster released Stephen King's Riding the Bullet. That alone isn't big news--King's a prolific author. What is news is the fact that this book (actually a 16,000 word short story) will only be available in electronic format--as an ebook.
The distribution of Riding the Bullet as an eBook bypasses the traditional yearlong publishing cycle. "What's exciting is that we are able to go from Stephen King's computer to the reader in a fraction of the print-book publishing arc," said Kate Tentler, Vice President and Publisher of Simon & Schuster Online.
"I'm curious to see what sort of response there is and whether or not this is the future," said King. Riding the Bullet is available from Amazon.com and many major online ebook sellers for $2.50.
Get the Rocket eBook
Is electronic publishing the wave of the future? Only time will tell, but things are looking brighter for the eBook. Start downloading electronic books with the Rocket eBook. Available at Amazon.com.
A New Home for Fiction Fix Fiction Fix, our ezine for fiction writers, has become so popular that we felt it deserved its very own web address. Now you can visit Fiction Fix at its new home, www.fictionfix.com.
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