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The Nature of Evil

To understand the nature of evil, one need only observe the nature of man. Within man is the duality of both good and bad. It's not as though there are good people and bad people. Evil exists in one form or another, and in differing degrees in every soul. The evil that exists in the world exists because it is what is within our souls. It is all that exists apart from Love, anything that is not Love.

The Gallery of Sin

The Dark Spots of our Souls


Some examples of evil in the nature of man and within our souls:

Whatsoever is Not Love


Lying, cheating, deceiving .

Vengeance, malice, murder.

Envying, coveting, desiring.

Lust, lasciviousness, adultery, fornication.

Lewdness, reveling, drunkenness.

Hating, loathing, striving.

Variance, emulations, excesses.

Impatient, intolerant, prejudiced.

Ritualistic, egotistic, dogmatic.

Arrogant, rebellious, willful.

Judgmental, unfair, imprudent.

Harsh, strict, austere.

Lawless, faithless, doubting.

Vain, perverse, crude.

Indolent, careless, apathetic.

Jealous, possessive, ungiving.

Unforgiving, unjust, unkind.

Obstinate, self-willed, pertinacious.

Negative, inconstant, impulsive.

Wrath, rage, anger, violence.

Restless, nervous, peace less.

Critical, skeptical, ignorant.

Wavering, indecisive, vacillating.

Defiant, combative, destructive.

Domineering, pompous, merciless.

Conceited, ostentatious, pretentious.

Extravagant, excessive, extreme.

Fearful, narrow-minded, rigid.

Secretive, indiscreet, untrustworthy.

Irresponsible, erratic, impractical.

Miserly, greedy, indulgent.

Unemotional, superficial, frivolous.

Suspicious, distrustful, untruthful.

Empty, meaningless, purposeless.

Hopeless, materialistic, destructive.

Spiteful, contemptuous, guilt-laden

Accusing, despising, shameful

Foolhardy, impetuous, impertinent.

Hypocritical, tyrannical, overbearing.

Scheming, conniving, manipulative.

Prideful, self-serving, selfish.

Self-righteous, self-justified, self-centered.

The Circle of Misery, Fear and Violence


We need only overcome our  self .

He that overcomes shall inherit all things


Evil exists.

Either it exists in the nature of God, and He is perfecting himself.

Or, it exists in us within our souls, and we are perfecting ourselves.

Evil within us is the reason for our separation from Love.

Life eternal means defeating the evil within us.


It is time we realized the enemy to our quest...


our Self


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by Aaron of Crossroads

Operated by New Age Crossroads, Denver, Colorado, USA

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Revised: October 16, 2002 .