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What do "New Agers" Believe?

As the New Age dawns, new knowledge and understandings are permeating the minds of its brave seekers. Ancient wisdoms are being resurrected as new sciences and arts are springing forth. A jungle of differing teachings obscure a clear vision of the voice of today. What is being proclaimed as the truth of the New Age?

Although there is no organized "religion" amongst New Agers, there are certain beliefs implicit in their teachings. That everything is part of one cohesive whole is first and foremost. Yet, whether this belief centers around monism, or a more pluralistic view is unclear. Most believe, at least from a material substance view, that all is one, all derives or emanates from the same source. Everything is cosmic energy, from people to animals, the ocean, the trees, and the rocks. Yet, unlike the purest sense of monism, they believe that the whole is made-up of many different parts and many different values. There is no one idealism, no one truth.

And what of their view of God? Again, there is no consensus. The underlying principle of most New Age teachings does seem to embrace pantheism, the belief in the divinity of nature. Nature is divine because it is all that is, we are part of it, everything that exists is part of it. If there is a God, it is the unity of all that exists. God is everything and everything is God. Everything that exists constitutes a unity, and that unity is the self-expression of God, in the oneness of all in all.

But is this all-inclusive, divine unity a deity? Does God have personality? Just who or what is the New Age God? To most New Agers, God is another word for the universe. Anyone can "tune in" to this oneness, the "higher self". The earth, the heavens, the entire universe portrays the divine unity of itself. All is God.

And what of the theistic concepts such as deity, creation, evil, and salvation? Again, there is no consensus. While some will attribute divinity to the oneness which is God, most see this as a non-personal, Being. There is no holy and sacred deity. Creation is nothing more than the emanation of the immanence of all that is within itself. If there is evil in the world, it is part of that emanation. And if there were a holy deity, He would eradicate evil. Since evil exists, then a transcendent, perfect being must not. Hence, all that is, both good and bad, constitutes the nature of divine unity.

What is the goal of a New Age pantheist? The emphasis is on an individual state resulting from an understanding of, and a right relation to, the Unity. The objective is "spiritual growth" by being in tune with one's higher self, the oneness of the universe.

To be sure, contemporary pantheists known as New Agers do have a metaphysical, "transcendent" aspect to their experience. Today's New Age philosophies incorporate the occult, ancient wisdoms. Such teachings as reincarnation, spirit guides, master teachers, astrology, tarot, numerology, holistic healings, meditation, crystals, pyramid power, and even UFO's are central to the New Age experience. These metaphysical experiences all serve to enlighten the seeker to the occult wisdoms and bring him closer to his higher self and the unity of all in all.

But is there an aspect of salvation within the teaching of reincarnation? Why do the souls of earthlings recycle through the wheel of life, coming back again and again to learn the many lessons of life? Within the beliefs of reincarnation and karma there are hints of the need for perfection. It seems that we, as expressions of the One, are in the process of perfecting the One. Since everything is God, and God is everything, is not God in the process of perfecting itself?

What do New Agers believe? There are many differing voices and no consensus. But one teaching, the pantheistic teaching of oneness, is just wrong. God is not everything, nor is everything God. As the new age breaks forth, new understandings must reveal the truth of reality. We are at a crossroads of understanding the nature and will of God.

God is not perfecting himself. God is Love. Love is perfect. Love is the greatest power in the universe. Love is what we, as eternal souls, came into this life to obtain. Our souls are flawed and blemished. Our iniquities are being revealed by the light of Love. As we accept the better way provided by Love, we are recreated into the image of Love. We are becoming sons of God, one with God.



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by Aaron of Crossroads

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