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Christian Doctrinal Myths

If you are a Christian, you have adopted a set of beliefs based on the doctrinal teachings of the church. These beliefs are central to your understandings as to what you believe, and to your quest for salvation. Open your mind and examine an alternative view.  We present now Twelve Myths for you to explore.

Understandings of the following issues are the keys to correct understandings:

What is a soul?

Is the soul created from nothing into an eternal being?

Is the soul eternal without beginning or ending?

What is evil?

Where did evil originate?

Did God create evil?

Is God revealing evil?

What does it mean to get "saved".

When are you "saved"?

What does it mean to "believe" in Jesus Christ


For most Christians their core beliefs go something like this:

God created man and placed him on the earth. The first man, Adam, was given freewill and placed in a paradise called the garden of Eden where he was tempted by the devil and was disobedient. Consequently, man became guilty of sin and now must find salvation by confessing his sins, accepting Jesus Christ and living a godly life. His reward then is eternal life in heaven.  You become saved by believing in Jesus and there was a day when you first believed that you became "saved". All who do not accept Jesus as their personal savior by believing and then living a Christian life are damned and their ultimate destination is hell. The key to salvation is to first confess your faith and then live a "godly" life. By reading the Word and praying to God, Christians keep on the right path and ensure their salvation.

In its simplest form, the above should pretty much sum up the basics of Christian teachings. 


Now for a new version:

God created a place called earth for the multitude of eternal souls who were not one with Him. He yoked them to an evil being called Adam, (man) and gave them His spirit of life to reveal their iniquities so they could choose a better way. He sent His son Jesus Christ to make the way of sacrifice so that their souls which cannot die could transfer their iniquities to the man who could die. God who is Love made a plan to rid eternal souls of that which separates them from Love so that they could become one with Love. By accepting Love through the living of their earthly life, these souls are reborn as sons of God. Jesus Christ made the way and believing in Him is evidenced by the choices made during this earthly sojourn. There is no one day you get saved. Confession of faith  and belief in Jesus Christ is evidenced by the living of your life and your choosing love as the better way. Your sins are uniquely yours and were not inherited from Satan or Adam. They are overcome by the way that was made through the sacrifice of the cross and by the spirit of Love. The offer of salvation is to rid your soul of its iniquities and become pure in Love which is life abundantly. All who do not choose Love through the living of their life go back to their former empty state of isolation and darkness.


Which version is correct? 

Version one depends on a literal interpretation of the Bible and the edicts of the church.  If it is true, then it would be fair to say that God created eternal beings (going to heaven or hell eternally) and created them with an evil nature with the capacity for evil. Even when you say He made man with freewill so he could have willing servants you still are left with God having created a world resulting in all of its suffering, and all of its evils.  If God is Love, it's hard to reconcile this inconsistency. God did not create evil or evil man. What He did was to put eternal, isolated souls with evil natures into a place where that iniquity could be revealed and purged from their souls. This does not take away from either God's power or His purity. When you realize that a loving God, pure in love, reached out to beings (souls) who were not pure in love and made a way for them to purify their souls for eternity, it only serves to magnify your awe of God's power and of His Love. It also puts the blame on the sins and iniquities of man squarely where it belongs......on you not God, Satan or Adam. Thinking that you inherited your sins from Adam or the Devil is a key myth that must be exposed for as long as you think your sins are not really your own, you escape the responsibility that must begin with yourself.


Synopsis of Twelve Myths of Christianity


[i.e. The garden of Eden story is a literal account of chronological events in the creation and fall of a man.]

 It's not a literal account, but an allegory describing the plan of salvation for your soul.


[i.e. God creates man upon his birth on the earth as a new soul with a sinful nature. Your existence begins at birth. God created your soul.]

 God did not create your soul by creating something from nothing.

He created a way to reveal the dark spot of your soul.


[i.e. The sinful nature came from Adam rebelling against God. It’s not really our sin, it’s the Devil’s;

we just inherited the sinful nature passed down from Satan to Adam to us by our ancestors.

 You did not inherit your sinful nature, it belongs to you and you alone.


[i.e God’s purpose is really all about defeating the Devil. It’s a cosmic war between Satan and God for our souls,

even though we know who wins in the end.]

There is no cosmic battle between God and Satan, the battle is to overcome your Self. 


[i.e. The Devil goes about to and fro amongst the people. He is a fearsome, Godlike entity exerting demonic powers over mankind.]

The only Devil you'll ever know is your Self.


[i.e. Acting right makes you a Christian. Righteousness is not doing what is wrong and doing only right things so as to appear Godly.

Christians are doing what is right and are therefore special in the eyes of God.]

You are not called to obey the law. Love fulfills the Law.

You need only follow what Love is revealing uniquely to You. 


[i.e. In the end of the world, the Antichrist will come to the earth and set up his kingdom in the temple and reign over the nations under a one-world government.]

 Your mind is a two-edged sword, the mind of Christ, the mind of anti-Christ.

Your mind is the only anti-Christ you will ever know.


[i.e. Jesus is coming back in the flesh riding a white horse to set up His kingdom on the earth for a thousand years.]

(The kingdom of God is within you).

There is no need to look for Christ’s soon coming. He’s already here within you.


[i.e. Up and away, all Christian believers are whisked to safety from the coming Great Tribulations on earth leaving crashing train, planes and automobiles.]

 Christians are not going to escape world tribulations by being whisked away.

Let's get on with living real lives. 


[i.e. Confession of faith saves souls. Go to the altar and get saved. Belief in Jesus Christ confessed by the mouth gets you saved.

Salvation is an event, the day you "got saved".]

Salvation is not an event, it’s a process.

Salvation is the end of a lifelong process of letting God reveal the blemishes of your soul and cleanse you.



[ i.e. The world is ungodly; have no fellowship with darkness; only Christians have the truth, and only they are saved.

 If you believe in God and another doesn’t, then you should "witness" to them, but don’t associate with them; you got the truth and they are sinners.]

You need to live a real life and stop cutting yourself off from others.

You need to "Love one another".


[i.e. The Bible is the only source of truth. Read the Bible continually and put the Word in your heart and you’ll automatically be living right.]

 The living Word has the power to transform you, not your theology.

The folly of theology will never save you.


For an in-depth discussion of each of the these myths, journey to TWELVE BIBLICAL MYTHS from Soul Journey: Understandings for the New Age.



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by Aaron of Crossroads

Operated by New Age Crossroads, Denver, Colorado, USA

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Revised: October 16, 2002 .