FRIZZELL Heritage in America
The Hattie M Frizzell Family


FRIZZELL Heritage in America | My Frizzell Family Line | Maryland Map | William Frizzell-1st Generation | Thomas Frizzell - 2nd Generation | Isaac Frizzell-3rd Generation | Isaac Frizzell's- Photo | Waden Richard Frizzell-4th Generation | Ohio State Map with Counties | Putnam County Years | Battles and Wars fought by Family Members | Spouses and other Kindred Kin | Russett Family | Moran Family | Smith Family | Moran-Irish Heritage | Ireland-March 2001 | Germany and Bavaria 2003 | Scotland 2004 | Sources and Searches | About Me

FRIZZELL surname is of Scotish Origin-The spellings I have seen used:
Frizzell,Frizell,Frisell,Friszel,Frazel,Frazzell and other variations using single or double "z","s" or "l", as well as using "i" and "a" as the 1st vowel in the spelling.
Gaelic Spelling:FRISEAL
Meaning-French word for strawberry is "fraise", and  growers was called  "fraisers"

Fraser Clan coat of Arms

Origin of FRIZZELL

Fraser Clan Coat of Arms -Silver Strawberry flowers on a field of blue

The orgins of the FRIZZELL clan in America seems to date back to around 1652 when their was great turmoil in Scotland with Oliver Cromwell of England and his armies.
After much searching I think I have finally begun understanding how we got to America,and who the 1st FRIZZELL's were,and fianally which direction they went set out to settle in.
I have found one researchers notes that states a James FRIZZELL(FRASER) came to Roxbury,Mass.(Woodstock) in 1652,lot 35.Family tradition states that James arrived in New York with politcal prisoners who engaged in the disastrous battles against Cromwell forces and was one of the clan FRASER prominent as adherents of Charles II.It is beleived that James was taken prisoner along with his brother William,and may have been sent to Barbados and then sent to New England. It seemed prudent to change their family surname to FRIZZELL (an ancient form of the name FRASER and sept of the clan FRASER in order to protect the families still in Brittian.
I will source the author and material when I find this piece again.


FRIZZELL WOES-genforum post

The FRAZELL(FRASER)Families-the American Branches of the FRAZELL Family Emigrated in the late 1600 as a result of the Scotch Wars.Charles the II of England was supported by the clan FRASER and his army of 14,000 were badly beaten by Cromwell and his 30,000 men at the Battle of Worcester in 1651.Cromwell sent 400 Scotch prisoners to Boston in 1652.
Among those were James FRASER and his brother William FRASER. They changed their name back to FRISSEL(their French heritage) for obvious reasons.This researcher believed William FRASER settled in and around the Baltimore,Maryland area and has dozens of descendants who later migrated to Ohio,Virginia,North Carolina,Tennessee,Kentucky and even as far as Texas.
This was found on Genforum-posted by Barbara Frizzell-Feb.18,2002,she was quoting from the author Arthur W.Farrall's publication dated Feb.1,1970-untitled.
I will add the actual post # and which search name it was under

The FRIZZELL Family's in North America seemed to decend from only 2 men,James and William


My search for information and all materials concerning all branchs will be on going.I am hoping that other members of this family will help add to the many branches,twigs and leaves of this fine family

Fraser Clan Tartan Colors

Fraser Clan Dress Tartan Colors

Fraser Clan Hunting Tartan Colors

Scotish links and info

Castle Fraser of Abedeen,Scotland

Scottish-in Aberdeenshire

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