Co-op Homeschool Support Group

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Mission Statement:

We are a  family-centered support group whose members seek to pool their talents and resources in a collected effort to broaden the scope of their children’s education.

Some information about our group:

The Co-op Homeschool Support Group was established in 2000 for families in the Gardner Area or anyone willing to travel to the area to join us. We are a small group of 12 families who get together regularly to provide opportunities for our children to form close relationships with one another. The children in the group range in age from 2-14 years, with the highest concentration of ages being in the 5-10 year range. We are not affiliated with any religious organizations, and we try to keep the discussion of religious topics out of our meetings to avoid divisions among our members. Parents meet in the evening on the first Monday of every month in Leominster to plan events for the children. There is no cost associated with membership to the group, however parents are responsible for their family members’ admission fees when on field trips.

Membership Options:

A.  Tier 1 is for families who wish to share in the responsibility of planning and hosting field trips and other activities for the children.  These activities will be open only to Tier 1 members, unless otherwise specified by the Host of the event.  Tier 1 members also attend homeschooling meetings and have access to lending library resources.  Tier 1 Members are required to plan at least 1 activity, field trip, event, or get-together during the year.

B. Tier 2 is for families who are not interested in the field trips and activities, but are instead looking for information about homeschooling, support from other families who homeschool, or obtaining library resources.

We have established this 2-tier system in an effort not to exclude any homeschooling family due to their inability to devote the time and do the work necessary to plan an activity or field trip.  We want to ensure that all homeschooling families get the support they need to succeed at the sometimes overwhelming task of educating their children.

Families may change their tier status at any time during the year.


Are you new to homeschooling?  
Visit our Resources page for important information.


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