This part of my life is back in Road Island and New Hampshire.
Take the time to look at the whole page, there are pictures at the bottom.

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Steve's right.jpg

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  Me as Santa.

Here is me dressed up as Santa,1987. This picture was taken in Road Island. I sold Christmas trees for one season. Now that is a killer business! I invested $200.00 and made $800.00 in 2 days for a $600.00 profit. And what did I do with the money? Well I bought a new Alvarez K-Yari Acoustic Electric guitar.
Here is the same picture I animated with paint shop pro5.0  I am still learning about how to improve on my web site designing skills. If you have any tips you could give, then
E-mail me at
All tips are welcome.
Me as Santa.

I have done many things in my 38 years on this planet. From tree trimmer to car salesmen to cocktail waiter in a five star resort called the Balsams Hotel, located in Dixieville Notch New Hampshire. In case you did not know, that's where the vary first vote for the Presidency is cast. The President himself stays there once in a while. I worked there for one year. The money was great and for $30.00 a week they give you 3 meals a day plus room and board. The out door activities included, swimming, fishing, pedal boats, volleyball, and a 9 hole and an18 hole golf courses. They also have their own SKI lodge which as an employee I had access to. Let me tell you a story about that! The season had just open for skiing, (now I have not been skiing for about 6 years before that time.) On my first run down the mountain I thought to myself, "Hay", I can do this, no problem! So the brave person inside me said "you don't need to practice on the bunny slope". It is at that point that I proceeded to make my way to the top of the mountain. I no sooner got started down and it was all over. I did not even make it down 1/4 of the mountain. My career as a skier was finished! I busted my you know what and broke my left knee cap. I had to slide the rest of the way down the mountain on my butt.I wont tell you the details about the needle they used to drain the fluid out of my knee but suffice it to say I was in a cast for 6 weeks.
( I could not do my job, so they put me at table in the kitchen folding napkins for the next 6 weeks.)
The indoor activities include , billiards, pool, table top tennis, a video game room, movie theater, a ballroom with live a band and shows of different acts nightly, cocktail lounge, gift shop, and other events planned daily. To much to list here. The Hotel shuts down for two months out of the year for renovations. It was during that time that I worked for a Christmas tree farm in Vermont and learned a little about that business. I had the opportunity to buy the trees at cost so I decided to give it a try and made a good profit. Below are pictures of me selling the trees and a view from the grounds of the Hotel.

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Tree sales are going good.

Well here it is.
Me with out the Santa costume in Road Island.
The trees cost from $.12.50 -$15.00 each wholesale.
They sold any where from $20.00-$75.00 depending on the size.
Like a I said earlier, it is a killer business to be in if you want to make BIG bucks fast.

Here is a picture I took from the entrance to the Hotel. There is one more below from atop a mountain looking down. Entrance to the Hotel
Hotel view from a mountain top.

Here is the one from the top of a  mountain right across from the entrance road to the Hotel. There Is nothing but mountains all the way around for miles. That is one of the golf courses on the left above the water. You can also see the pool area near the edge of the water. You would never know it from this shot but it took me 4 hours to walk up the mountain.

Here is one just to give you a better understanding of just how high up I was and the reason it took me 4 hours to get up there. It was almost straight up .
( Those are cars down there!)

Mountain top view.

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