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About me and my site..

Who am I?

My name is Craig and I am an IT Manager. Having had internet access for several years before the www became popular, I decided it was time to learn some web page creation methods.
If I did a page about computers/networking it would be out of date very quickly, but I have a fair bit of literature on rotaries, so I decided to do that instead.
This site was first opened on 15 December 1996. Probably all seems quaint now - it was 'bleeding edge' stuff back then!

Who is hosting my page?

* Hosted at Tripod, and they are a good free provider. 20MB space free, front page extensions allowed, CGI scripts allowed. Popup windows go under the active browser window, adverts section is customisable. Good help section, semi-personal domain name (, bandwidth and hits meter (simple total for site). FTP uploads allowed, reasonable 2 hourly, daily (65MB) and Monthly (1GB) bandwidth limit.

19 August 2005 - Total hits over 380000 (Around 300 per day)
26 May 2002 - Page lists in Google nearly 3 months after I added it. Record hits per day (Webtracker count=82047)
22 March 2001 - Sent out mass email about new location. Webtracker count = 79857.
8 Dec 2001. Re established page at Tripod as NBCI closed down.
24 Nov 1998-July 2001. At Xoom, who got renamed to NBCI (24 Nov 98=25250 hits)
18 Aug 1997-24 Nov 1998. At but had to start paying for hosting, thus moved sites
15 Dec 1996-18 Aug 1997. At Geocities but I moved to 3rotor as Geocities was only 2MB space.

2 May, posted message to Usenet about this site. 26 May page appears in Google index.
Chart is total hits per day on all html pages as measured by Netstat
Interestingly the total hits per day went up when listed in Google but the hits on the main index page were only a little higher, indicating that a lot of the new traffic was visitors landing directly on content pages, and only a few (perhaps 20%) were going to the index page after that.

What did I use to make my page?

Since early 2001, Microsoft FrontPage 2000 which much to my surprise can be configured to leave your existing HTML alone and not go re-formatting everything, plus it is pretty good at managing bad links, renaming files etc.

Previously I used to used Netscape 3 Gold comes with an inbuilt web editor.

FrontPage 2000 error?

When publishing your site, if you get an error that says something like this in FrontPage 2000:
Do you want to overwrite this file? The file in the Web '<Root Web> has been modified on by '(unknown)'. Are you sure you want to replace it?

I went round and round in circles for weeks trying to figure out what this meant. I tried allowing FrontPage to replace all the suspect files (some 28MB worth over a sub 56k link..) but that didn't work. Then I tried to upload it by http to the FrontPage enabled server but that was even worse (That's another tip - http seems to have less tolerant timeout periods than FTP. I found FTP was much more reliable).

The solution was I already had pages created back in the days of Windows 3.1 and 8.3 filenames. The DOS filename was different to the 'Win9x' filename so this may also be a problem in some cases.
Basically you have to use FrontPage to rename all the files, then do the upload again and everything should be happy.
(tip, use a keyboard macro tool otherwise this might take a long time.)

Another possible cause of this was that I did not use Front Page to import the existing website, Front Page creates a "_vti_cnf" file for every single file in your website which contains info about that file such as what server it was uploaded to, the date etc. This is how it synchronises a site when you upload it. i.e. the _vti_cnf file might not be created until you do something with that file in Front Page. (which was fixed by the rename).

FrontPage 2000 uploads to multiple sites?

I have used Front Page to FTP publish a website to two sites (main and mirror) and there have been no problems with Front Page as it keeps a track of each site's upload status in the _vti_cnf files.

FrontPage Image quality setting?

Using Quality of 95 will make a 1024x768 file shrink from 311k to 155k, Quality of 100 will make the same file 361k.
(Quality of 100 is the highest setting) much lower sizes are possible but image apperance will be compromised.

Shared border disappeared?

I spent days stuffing around trying to figure out this one, if your shared borders have disappeared from a page of yours make sure that the main html file which has the shared border added to it ends with:


If it doesn't, front page will display it right and previewing will display it right but it won't be uploaded to the website.

Update History of pages on this site:

Index - Update History:
22/8/2002 - Added link

PG01 - Links - Update History:
22/8/2002 - Tidy up, changed SovAvto webring bar to Mazda Rotary style, Added banner and preferred link section, deleted dead links.

PG02 - Email Feedback - Update History:
15/8/2002 - Slight layout change to aid readability
5/5/2002 - Changed email addresses
26/3/2001 - Converted all text to new standard (Headings as Heading1, Some sub-headings (e.g. tables) as 14 point normal bold italic, Most text as Normal, Internal page links at top not all uppercase). Changed from Netscape to FrontPage and from EMAIL.HTM to PG02.HTM (& all sub files). EMAIL.HTM changed to redirection page. Background image changed to PG00_02B.JPG
26/4/1999 - Previous known update (May have been some before this)

PG03 - 4 rotor engines - Update History:
22/8/2002 - Added mention of 4
28/3/2002 - Added information about Yashiro YR26B engine
17/3/2001 - Updates to More Information section
16/3/2001 - Converted all text to new standard (Headings as Heading1, Some sub-headings (e.g. tables) as 14 point normal bold italic, Most text as Normal, Internal page links at top not all uppercase)
11/3/2001 - Minor content update (Spelling mistakes, tidy up). 'More information' section in new format. Changed from Netscape to FrontPage. Background image changed to PG00_02B.JPG
12/6/1998 - Previous known update (May have been some before this)

PG04 - Rotary Subaru - Update History:
17/3/2001 - Modified More Information section, Spell check, Converted all text to new standard (Headings as Heading1, Some sub-headings (e.g. tables) as 14 point normal bold italic, Most text as Normal, Internal page links at top not all uppercase), Changed from Netscape to FrontPage. Background image changed to PG00_02B.JPG
27/11/1997 - Previous known update (May have been some before this)

PG28 - About me/my site - Update History:
19/8/2005 - Minor tidy up
22/8/2002 - Moved update history sections from other pages to this page.
24/1/2002 - Added FrontPage tip
13/12/2001 - Tidyup
16/3/2001 - Converted all text to new standard (Headings as Heading1, Some sub-headings (e.g. tables) as 14 point normal bold italic, Most text as Normal, Internal page links at top not all uppercase), Changed from Netscape to FrontPage and from ABOUTME.HTM to pg27.htm (& all sub files). Background image changed to PG00_02B.JPG
27/11/1998 - Previous known update (May have been some before this)


This site was done purely for my own curiosity - Please do not consider this site to be a correct reference; I have no official connections. All information was extracted from books/magazines and occasionally from other internet sites.

Any content referring to a company or product is for information only.
I always mention the source of any information, as well as how to get a copy of the book/magazine it came from so you can get a copy for yourself. Please remember that when this site was first created in 1996 much of the information was very difficult to obtain, and thus was to share with other enthusiasts.
Any complaints should be forwarded to me, and I will rectify the situation immediately.

This page last updated 19/8/2005

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