Connecticut: The Constitution State Atlas
Connecticut Demographics

Total Population by Town for 1995

Connecticut has a varied population. From very rural communities to fairly sized urban areas. The state's least populated town by raw numbers and density is Union. Union has 620 people with a density of 21 people per square mile. The total area of the town is 29.2 square miles. A great distinction of this town is that it has always been Connecticut's least populated town. (G. Fox, p 149 1947)

Union is found in Tolland County along the Massachusetts border. Most of the town is covered with rolling wooded hills providing an enjoyable outdoor experience. Union obtained its named in 1727 from other towns as "Union" of land. (Bixby, p273 1974)

At the other end of the scale is Bridgeport, with a total population of 138,010. Bridgeport also holds the title of the most densely populated town, with 8,679.9 people per square mile. The total land area of Bridgeport is 15.9 square miles. Bridgeport is the hometown of one of the greatest showman on earth, P.T. Barnum. As P.T. Barnum's circus grew so did Bridgeport's population. (G. Fox, p 16 1947) Barnum was actually born in Bethel. (Bixby, p82 1974)

Bridgeport is in Fairfield County on Connecticut's coast. As of the 1970 census its population was below Hartford, the state's capitol. The city was founded by people from Fairfield and Stratford, who bought the land for a few bushels of corn and several blankets. It was first called Stratfield and Newfield until a drawbridge was built over the Pequonnock River. (Bixby, p82 1974)

A few more statistics:
Connecticut's median population is 11,350, the population of Stafford. The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers. In other words half of Connecticut's towns have population less than 11,350 and half have populations greater.

Connecticut's average population is 19,462. The town of Mansfield's population is 19,620, the nearest population of the average. The average population is calculated by adding all population totals and then dividing by the total number of records.

The total population of Connecticut for the 1995 estimate is 3,289,090.

Town Population Legend
number of persons

less than 15,000
15,000 =< 50,000
50,000 =< 85,000
greater than 85,000

Raw Data Table for Connecticut Town Population

Population 1990 US Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census.
Population 1995 Connecticut Office of Policy and Management projection.
UCONN Magic 1997

Connecticut Demographics