Senior Class Pictures page 2

from yearbook of Norma Bundy Turner

1.Mary Jo Beier
"A nice girl to know

2.Lanny Bender

"Lanny--the cat."

3.Jack Berger

"Why is it that men are ruled by women?"

4.Martha Border
"Only one man for her."

5.Don Boswell

"A nice fellow to know."

6.Patsy Botner

"A barrel of fun when Patsy's around."

7.Edward Brake

"The quiet type."

8.Don Brewer

"Make the most of me, girls. I won't be around long."

9.Don Brice

"Me and my public."

10.Betty Brink
"Isn't it nice to be happy-go-lucky?"

11.Harry Brinkmeyer

"Me and my convertible."

12.Charles Broadhurst

"A great guy."

13.Truman Bromley

"Fun by the ton."

14.Carol Bronson

"Always jolly and sweet."

15.Betty Brown

"A nice girl who spares her words."
page 3