File: gerald0357
Last Updated: 05/27/2007

Name:  Gerald Aaron Hazeldine
Birth date: October 31, 1970
Birthplace: Dundee, Scotland (at age 10, family moved to Boone, Iowa).
Height: 6'2"
Weight:  185 lb.
Eyes: Pale blue
Hair: Black, going silver at the temples.
Known Family:  Mr. Hazeldine is the oldest of four children. Brother Martin and sister Mary (and family) both deceased. Both parents, William and Sara, are deceased. All were killed in auto accidents roughly six years apart. His youngest brother, Richard, lives in Edinburgh, Scotland. Mr. Hazeldine's uncle, Aaron Hazeldine, is still alive and lives in Edinburgh as well.
Schooling:  Completed High School at age 19 with a 3.12 GPA. His schooling was often interupted by his skating career, which started at age 15.
Occupation: Former figure skater. Currently coaches Ash Martinez (ash1572) in preparation for the 2010 Olympics.

Ancillary Data

Hobbies: Sports. Beer.

Vices: Beer.

Police Record: A few minor traffic violations on record - mostly speeding tickets and reckless driving.

Psychological Evaluation: Mr. Hazeldine seems to be a study in contradictions. On one hand, his unsocial and suspicious behavior denotes symptoms of classic paranoia, yet this does not safeguard him against taking what most reasonable people would consider foolish and even deadly risks. Though temperamental at the best of times, his seemingly blasé lack of consideration for his fellow human being has been known to reverse in a heartbeat when - for no readily apparent reason, he's gone from indifferent to fiercely protective - evenly violently so. The man runs either hot or cold, with no middle ground in between. While no official or professional evaluation has been made of Mr. Hazeldine, cursory observation has indicated he is quite possibly paranoid schizophrenic and somewhat delusional. Definitely a case for further study.

Social Ties: Few and far between. He is Ash Martinez's personal trainer, and is through him vaguely associated with Kendall McPherson (kend3207). There are rumors he is romantically involved with Steven Nowicki (steven8476), the manager of the New Dawn Ice Rink (owned and operated by Ash Martinez). However, there are also rumors that Mr. Hazeldine and Mr. Nowicki are bitter, even violent, enemies. Mr.  Hazeldine has been seen once in awhile drinking beer in La Cantina with Xavier Jones (xjones2742) and has been known to show almost acceptable social behavior towards Tsukikage No Kami Fujiwara (tsuki1393). Other individuals possibly associated with Mr. Hazeldine include his neighbor, Erin Daw (edaw7529), seen sometimes conversing with Mr. Hazeldine downstairs in the ice rink.

Miscellaneous: Though claiming dual citizenship to both Great Britain and the United States, and having spent most of his childhood in Scotland, Mr. Hazeldine's accent is almost flawlessly Mid-west American. Exceptions occur during moments of extreme temper or drunkenness on Mr. Hazeldine's behalf, or if his pontificating waxes thoughtful (the latter is hearsay only and has never been proven to actually occur - thoughtful speech that is). At those times, his heritage becomes vividly and inarticulately obvious.

Naudiz (Need)

Nyd  oppresses the heart;
yet nonetheless often it
is transformed for the sons of men
to a source of help and salvation,
if only they heed it in time.

- Old English Rune Poem

Njall's Saga

Blood falls
from the cloudy linen
of the vast cloth
of the massacre.
Man’s cloth,
gray as an armor,
is being woven;
The Valkyries
will cross it
with a bloody thread.
Look around yourself,
become horrible now;
a cloud as red as blood
blocks the horizon.
The skies are tainted
with the blood of men,
and the Valkyries
sing their song.