New Star Wars Aliens...

Although humans have long dominated the Known Galaxy, there are several intelligent species that also proliferate the galaxy.
Here is a listing of new alien races...Use them in your campaign however you wish.


Comosians are an intelligent race of omnivores that originate from the Comos star system in the Comosan sector. They are superb econominists and administration clerks, and many served in the Repulic Senate as advisors and some as Senators themselves. They have rigid heads with several "lumps" covering the upper portion of it. They have jet-black oval eyes, which is actually a protection layer that covers their retnas from the ultra violet light of their home star. Their mouths consist of 5 large slits, which out of the middle one they eat and drink and the other they breath. They are humanoid, foward aligned bipeds, with 2 arms and 2 legs. They communicate verbaly at a sonic pitch (the pitch humans hear in). They have their own languages and most can speak basic. Their general view of humans and other species is usually a non-biast one. However many of their species do not trust droids and other non-living automations. They utilize most modern technology such as blasters, starships, and cyborging.

Average Comosian: Dexterity: 2D, Perception:1D+2,Knowlage: 2D+2, Mechanical: 2D,Strength:1D+1,Technical:1D+2

Special Skills: Lightning calculators; Comosians can easily calculate nearly any mathmatical problems instantly.
Foresight: All Comosians have a limited foresight ability which allows them to "predict" near-future events with stunning acuracy.


The large, cyclops like Slothians are strong, tough, and intelligent although most prefer not to use advanced technologies even though they are fully aware of how high technology functions. They are humanoid, with human-like noses and mouths. They are omnivorious and somewhat nocturnal. Their heavily muscled bodies and rock-hard skeletons give Slothians great strength and toughness, but their agility is rather low and their movement is quite slow. They have a single, large eye in their head, which gives them names like "cyclops" and "gazers".

Average Slothian: Dexterity: 1D+2, Perception:2D,Knowlage:2D+1, Mechanical:2D,Strength:3D+1, Technical:1D+1

Very Strong: All Slothians are very strong and can start with no less than 3D strength.

Night Vision: All Slothians can see in complete darkness. All Slothian characters have night vision up to 80 meters.

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