The Star Wars Galaxy...
The Known Galaxy...

The galaxy has over one hundred million stars in an area of space over 100,000 light years in diameter: much of it remains unknown and unexplored even today. The Know Galaxy- The area of space mapped and settled by the Empire and the New Republic- has millions of officially logged and inhabited planets, including colonies, corporate owned worlds, and protectorates. Millions of worlds that aren't on Imperial or New Republic logs are nonetheless inhabited remain hidden in remote systems and on the fringes of civilization. Even within the Known Galaxy, there are vast tracts of unexplored space. Hyperdrive travel across the Empire can take months if one strays from the known trading routes, yet fortunes await those lucy enough to discover new worlds teeming with resources and native civilizations eager to trade for advanced technology enjoyed by galactic civilization. Becuase of the size of the galaxy, the Old Republic created regions as a convenient means of grouping worlds; the terminology remains in use today. Each region had many sectors. The Republic's original definition of a sector was any area of space with up to 50 inhabited planets, but as colization and further exspansion added worlds to the Republic, many sectors grew far beyond their original boarders.

A Slice of the Galaxy...

Several important regions of the galaxy lie at least partially within what is called "The Slice". Begining at the edge of the Core Worlds, this area was colonizied millennia ago after the creation of the Perlemian Trade Route and the Corellian Run Trade Route. Bear in mind that the Slice- from the Colonies to the Mid Rim encompasses less than 1000 settled worlds, representing less than one precent of the Known Galaxy. The map of the Slice is a two-demensional representation of Three-demesional space. Apart from the areas of space to either "side" of the Slice, there are additional regions "above" and "below" this area.

Regions of the Galaxy...

Core Worlds: It was from here that the Republic's first explorers branched out in their efforts to colonize and explore the galaxy. Coruscant (capital of the Old and New Republics and the Empire), Corellia, Chandrila, Alderaanian, and many other ancient homeworlds are in this region. The Core Worlds region is among the most densely populated and wealthiest regions of the galaxy.

The Colonies: The Colonies was one of the first portions of the Slice to be settled. This area soon established it's own identity, and most worlds broke away from direct control of their founding planets. Now the region is heavily populated and industrialized, yet lacks the prestige and trdition of the Core Worlds (or so those from the Core Worlds would like to belive). Altough all of the worlds have been free for millennia, the term "Colonies" lingers.

Inner Rim Planets: Originally known as "the Rim" when this area was first opened to settlement, rapid colonization and venture corporations quickly built an economic base. The Inner Rim Planets region is diverse, with vast agricultural and industrial centers. The area avoided the chronic overpopulation problems of the Core Worlds and Colonies by opening up the "Expanded Rim", which was renamed the Exspansion Region.

The Exspansion Region: Formerly a center of manufacturing and heavy industry, the Exspansion Region began as an experiment in corporate-owned space. Early in it's history the Exspansion Region fueled much of the Slice's economic growth, providing raw materials for starships and heavy industry. Due to millennia of intensive mining and development, most of the region's planets are now exuasted. In recent centuries, the Exspansion Region has suffered prolonged economic distress. The area relied on a handful of massive "port systems", which generate transportation revenues and shipping. In recent years the area has seen an influx of "refugees" from the Inner Rim Planets and it has tried to promote itself as a cheap alternative to the heavily populated and more exspensive Core Worlds and Colonies regions.

The Mid-Rim: The Mid-Rim has fewer resources, less wealth and a smaller population than the Exspansion Region, yet it offers opportunity to those willing to work hard. Several trading worlds have bustling econimies, while vast tracts far from the main trading routes remain unexplored providing many havens for pirate fleets.

Other Regions

Centrality: The Centrality is a "quaint" (some would say "backward") region of space best known for it's corrupt politicians and the Oseon astroid fiels, which supports several pleasure palaces and vacation resorts. Lando Calrissian spent some of his youth wandering this region (see The Lando Calrissian Adventures).

Corporate Sector: Described as "one wisp off one branch at the end of one are of the galaxy", the Corporate Sector is about as far from the Core Worlds as one could get. A region of space encompassing tens of thousands of stars- yet completly lacking any native intelligent species- the Sector was ruled by the Corporate Sector Authority. Thanks to well established trade routes the Sector's goods could be transported to the Republic and Empire proper. Smuggler Han Solo operated in the Corporate Sector for a time (see Han Solo, at Stars End).

Deep Core: The Deep Core lies at the heart of the galaxy and boarders of the Core Worlds. A region of densely-packed stars, the region was long thought impassable. However, Palpatine and others sponsored exploration missions which pioneered several routes and catalogued hundreds of potentially habital worlds. The reincarnated Emperor Palpatine used the Deep Core world of Byss as his base of operations. (See Dark Empire, Dark Empire II, Empire's End and the Dark Empire sourcebook).

Hutt Space: A region known for it's criminal activities, and lawless worlds is notorious throughout the Outer Rim.

Outer Rim Territories: The Outer Rim Territories is an immense area of space, widely regarded as the last bastions of civilization before reaching Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. The Outer Rims Territories is characterized by lightly-settled frontier worlds populated by rugged individualists. Notable planets in the region include Tatooine, Calamari, Ryloth, and Bakura.

Wild Space: This term applies to the area of space on the fringe of the Known Galaxy; Wild Space is the "frontier" of the galaxy. Wild Space areas typically have a handful of remote settlements catering to isolationists, speculators and scouts looking for potentially lucrative colony worlds.

Unknown Regions: The term "Unknown Regions" applies to any area of space far beyond the boarders of the Known Galaxy. These areas of unexplored space are exceptionally remote and lightly populated, with perhaps a few isolated colonies, indipendent scouts, "lost colonies" and native civilizations.

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