the cystic hygroma discussion group

Miracles do happen!

Date: 26 Jul 2002
Time: 15:57:52
Remote Name:


I wanted to share my story with others who are given horrible news. I had an ultrasound at 18 weeks gestation and was told that my baby had a very large cystic hygroma on his neck. We were sent to the university hospital and learned that the hygroma went around the babies neck, extended out past his shoulder and onto the chest. We were told that there was no hope for the baby and he would die in utero probably before 28 weeks gestation. I was not willing to give up hope at that time and knew that even if the baby would die I could not terminate the pregnancy. We were told to return for follow up at 28 weeks if the baby was still alive. We made it to that appointment and had another ultrasound. It was discovered that the hygroma had almost completely resolved and there was only a small cyst on the side of the babies neck. The doctor stated it was a miracle. My baby was born 5 weeks premature, with no hygroma's at all. He has a little extra skin where the hygroma was but is expected to grow into it. He is now a beautiful healthy one month old and I couldn't imagine life without him. If I would have given up hope and terminated the pregnancy a happy healthy little boy wouldn't have had the chance to experience life. I thank all of the people who prayed for us and our baby. Life is too precious to give up on. My prayers go out to anyone who finds themselves in a similar position. Mari Hammel