Date: 16 Jan 2003
Time: 14:53:09
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Hello, I am looking for answers. My son is 4 months old now. When he was about 2 months old a small bump appeared right above his eyebrow and has grown a little over the past few weeks. Our peditritian told us that is was a lipoma or a benign cyst and to take him to a cosmetic surgeon to have it removed. We try to use natural medicine whenever we can so I took him to see our ND and she thought that it was a swollen lymph gland. We tested him (muscle testing) and he tested for herbs that treat the lymphatic system. I treated him with the herbs for about 6 weeks with no real change. We decided to go to the cosmetic surgeon and see what he had to say. Well, he said the same thing the ped. is a cyst and we can remove it when he is about 6-7 months old. I am not convinced that either dr. knows for sure what the bump is. Both drs. said that cysts like these are very common in children but I can't seem to find any information about them on the web. I am hoping that you can lead me in the direction I need to go to find out if my son has cystic hygroma or lymphatic dysplasia or just a common cyst ( if they are even that common) I should probably tell you a little more about his bump. It is on the left side of his left eyebrow. It is a soft mass of tissue and doesn't hurt if you push on it or move it around. It has probably doubled in size since we noticed it. Thank you for any information. Blessings, Andrea