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minrose3.gif (1206 bytes)  About You

  1. Name: Lynsey Dobbin

  2. Age: 17

  3. Location: Belfast, Northern Ireland

  4. Occupation: Student

minrose3.gif (1206 bytes) Personal

  1. Hobbies? listening obsessively to J&H and Phantom of the Opera, reading, irritating Elaine, loooooooong telephone conversations (normally with Elaine LOL), internet, chatting.

  2. Favourite Quotes?  'None of us can choose where we will love'   

    'Its a sin with no name, like a tiger to tame, and my senses proclaim its a dangerous game....' 

  3. Favourite Books? To Kill a Mockingbird, Bridget Jones' Diary, Phantom of the Opera, Let Me Call You Sweetheart.

  4. Favourite Author? Mary Higgins Clark

  5. Favorutie Singer/Band? Definitely The Divine Comedy

  6. Favourite Album? well, if it wasn't the J&H album, I wouldn't be here! and Phantom of the Opera of course.


minrose3.gif (1206 bytes) The Show

  1. Have you seen the show? Nope. Its not even in London yet, so the chances of it being in Northern Ireland are slim to say the least!!!

  2. Which recording do you prefer? I've only heard the Complete Work, so I've nothing to compare it to

  3. Favourite song? A Dangerous Game, Bring On The Men, or The Confrontation.

  4. Favourite Character? Definitely Hyde- much more interesting than Jekyll!

  5. Favourite Line From the Show? ' All that you are is a face in the mirror, I close my eyes and you disappear/ I'm what you face when you face in the mirror, long as you live I will still be here!' closely followed by  . . .

    'Soon you will die and my memory will hide you, you cannot choose but to lose control/
    You can't control me, I live deep inside you, each day you feel me devour
    your soul!'

  6. Worst song from the show? I'll have to agree with Elaine on 'Letting Go'.  Mainy because I don't see the point of it!