Cheap Candy Day: The day(s) immediately after Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, and sometimes Christmas when stores knock down the prices of the holiday specific items. Namely Candy.

E, the: The biggest letter on an eye testing chart, which to Danielle looks kinda vaguely like three bigger blurry lines of text. She's really blind, but hopefully getting laser surgery can fix the worst of it.

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions, honestly how long HAVE you been on the internet?

Lain: Also Serial Experiments Lain. An anime television series released by Pioneer that Danielle currently likes above all other shows.

Push the Button Frank: A quote from mystery science theater 3000. Frank was the moron assistant of the mad scientist dr forester. Dr. Forester would tell him to "push the button" at least at the end of the show I think. I don't remember anymore.

Quotes: Danielle likes to randomly quote things in real life. Most people don't get it there either. But here's the sources so I don't get sued for claiming it's mine.
Apr. 21: Neverending Story
Apr. 22: Spartan, song by Five Iron Frenzy
Apr. 25: Enemy, song by Eve 6
Apr. 28: Serial Experiments Lain, Layer(Episode) 09 Protocol.
Apr. 29: The Way, song by Kosmos Express

Shirt, I hate myself...: A shirt Danielle got for christmas, from and doesn't get to wear much because NOONE GETS THE JOKE! *sigh*

William: William is Danielle's husband of almost a year and a half. He's cute, sexy, smart, and frustrating (sometimes). Danielle loves him to death. So, no, she's not available to be your girlfriend.