Links to Lacan and some of my other favourite theorists
This site is under construction
- Ernesto Laclau on the Web
- Jacques Rancière on the Web
- My own translations of foreign-language sites
- Lacan dot com: Lacanian Ink archive etc.
- Lacan online: Useful links, a comprehensive bibliography, a somewhat limited list of reference works.
- San Francisco Bay Area psychoanalysis: Seminars, calls for papers, organisations worldwide, links.
- Ecole de la Cause freudienne: The school that Lacan founded before his death, now administered by JA Miller (French).
- Ornicar? Digital version of well-known psychoanalytic magazine.
- Introductory lecture on Lacan: from a lecture series entitled 'Modern Critical Thought'.
- 'Lessons for peacemakers from the teachings of Lacan': a paper presented by Howard Richards.
- What is love? Article in Umbr(a): A journal of the unconscious.
- Le cinéma comme faux mouvement: Article in the journal L'art du Cinema. A film operates by what it withdraws, by blocking, suspending, inverting, stopping the action (French).
- Peut-on parler d'un film? Article in the journal L'art du Cinema. Can one speak about a film? Resisting indistinct judgements. (French: see TRANSLATIONS for my translation into English).
- Le dernier des hommes: Article in the journal L'art du Cinema. Discusses Murnau's film, Der letzte Mann (French).
- 'The subject defined by suffrage': Article in Lacanian Ink.
- 'The body's organs and Cindy Sherman's face': Article in Lacanian Ink.
- The spectre is still roaming round: Zizek's introduction to the 150th anniversary edition of The Communist Manifesto (English).
- Hysteria and cyberspace: Interview with Zizek (English).
- 'In his bold gaze my ruin is writ large': Article by Zizek in Lacanian Ink.
- 'Femininity between goodness and act': Article by Zizek in Lacanian Ink
- 'Japan through a Slovenian looking glass': interview with Zizek in InterCommunication.
- 'Kant and Sade: the ideal couple': Article by Zizek in Lacanian Ink.
- 'The lesbian session': Article by Zizek in Lacanian Ink.
- 'Who's afraid of the big bad clone?': a feature by Zizek on cloning.
- 'Why does a letter always arrive at its destination?': Article by Zizek in Lacanian Ink.
- CTHEORY - Civil society, fanaticism, and digital reality: Interview with Zizek (English).
- Es gibt keinen Staat in Europa: Article on the disintegration of state authority (English).
- Desire: Drive = Truth: Knowledge: Article in Umbr(a): A journal of the unconscious. Comments on the relation between drive and the subject's "fundamental fantasy". Antagonistism between drive and desire.
- Zizek's Curriculum Vitae.
- Contact e-mail address for Zizek.
Note: these really are very rough "make-do" translations.
- Alain Badiou. Can one speak about a film? (Not yet active.)
- Slavoj Zizek. Book review, Zizek's views on the NATO bombings of Kosovo. Love your neighbour: as long as he is far away.