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General Class Description
Armsmen are the most heavily armed and armored soldiers of Albion. Their offensive and defensive capabilities make them formidable opponents in both the eradication of monsters and in the war against enemy realms. Armsmen may train in a wide variety of weapons, and are the only class able to use Polearms.

Polearms, like 2-Handed swords and hammers, are hard-hitting, yet slow-to-swing weapons. Unlike those other large weapons, Polearms have combat styles expressly intended for use against the warriors of other realms. An Armsman that chooses to use a Polearm or other 2-handed weapon is typically more offensive than one who chooses to use a one-handed weapon and a shield.

Armsman may also use crossbows. Short-ranged and slow-to-load, a crossbow’s primary use is to cause an enemy monster to charge the Armsman rather than his pajama-wearing mage allies. Crossbows are also useful in realm defense, allowing the Armsman to fire bolts down on attackers from atop a keep wall.

Available Races

Class Weapon Styles