I have started to
make my own background and graphic sets. I found some
wonderful sites on the net that explained step by step how to
make backgrounds
and all the buttons and lines that match. I have really had fun
with this. I will list
these sites further down the page. These people were very helpful
to me. I even
learned how to make lake applets which I never thought I would
ever make. Alot
of my graphics have come from my wedding cards. Alot came from
pages on the net. If you see something that is yours and want
credit for it please
let me know. I have so many graphics that I have downloaded off
the net that I
am having a hard time figuring out who made what. If I have done
something to a
graphic of yours, I did not do this with malice intentions. I
just can't remember
where I got everything from. If I have done something to your
graphic and you
don't like it or want some credit for it, please write to me. I
will be more then
happy to give credit where credit is due. Please don't get upset
if I have done
something to one of your graphics. I will take it off if it makes
you unhappy. You
just need to tell me. Okay here goes my first attempts at making
and graphics. All the backgrounds I made are sets. If you decide
to use them I
would appreciate a link back to
me(https://members.tripod.com/dar_cole/menu.htm) with my logo
button. I have
even made that to match the sets:) Oh and by the way, PaintShop
Pro is a great
program for doing this stuff. If you don't have it I would
recommend getting it.
I have tried to make navigating my backgrounds easier for you and
also reduce load time. I also have put them into catagories (well
trying to put them in catagories...LOL)
These pages are best viewed with
Please read about Web Prestige
These are all my
creations from pictures I have collected. You may use
them freely for your own personal use, but please no commercial
allowed. If you use my creations please link back to me, it will
truly be
appreciated. I have provided a logo button with each design and
also my
URL. Also please let me know where you are so I can take a look
at what
you have done with my work. It would be so nice to see my work in
use. In
the future I will be adding more designs so please check back
often and
see whats new. Here are some links to follow for help with
Pro and making Lake Applets. Very resourceful pages. Let me know
you think about my creations. I'm really curious to know.
For some great help,
check out these pages. These people really helped me with
their tutorials. I am sure they can help you too.
Compendium of Sorts
For some great picture tubes and brushes for PSP, visit
was told that I should have an page to display the
I have been given. I am really proud of these
because I have worked
hard to make and maintain these pages of Backgrounds and
Bordersets for anyone who wants to use them. So here are the
that you kind people
have given to me for my hard work. Thank you to each and evryone
of you who have taken the time to look thru my creations.
I have also made pages full of pages of links to some really fantastic homepages. You can go here to see just what I am talking about. The links I have on these pages are to people out there in cyberspace that are so creative and beautiful that I just couldn't resist having pages linking to them. Please go look at their pages so you can see these people as I did.
Is A Caring Member Of
Random Acts Of Kindness.
This Original Graphics on the Net Ring site is owned by Dar
Dar's Designs.
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Aren't these snowglobes cute??? You can get yours from Kendra too...Click on the globe
This background came from a picture I got at: