This is a website about being diabetic. I imagine the glucose running through my veins looking like dark, rich molasses, hence the title name of my page. I  hope the information I provide here will be of benefit to everyone with or anyone who has a family member affected by this disease. I have been diabetic for the last thirteen years, I have type 2, so most of my information will be for those affected with type 2 diabetes. I have several great links and will provide the warning symtoms of diabetes for all to see if they have some of the warning signals and will choose to visit their doctor for comformation of this disease, the sooner, the better.


Warning Symptoms

  • Extreme thirst, it's like an unquenchable thirst.
  • Blurry vision from time to time.
  • Frequent urination...constantly having to get up many times during the night as well.
  • Unusual tiredness or drowsiness...not being able to stay awake for any length of time.
  • Unexplained weight loss...I lost 23 pounds in ten days.
And these additional symtoms for type 2 diabetes:
  • Repeated or hard to heal infections of the skin, gums,vagina, or bladder.
  • Tingling or loss of feeling in the hands or feet.
  • Dry, itchy skin.


What is Diabetes?

"Type 2 diabetes is a disease that affects the way your body uses food.  Type 2 diabetes used to be called non-insulin-dependent diabetes. The most common type of diabetes, it affects about 15 million Americans. Nine out of ten cases of diabetes are type 2. It usually occurs in people over 45 and overweight, among other factor.

When you have type 2 diabetes, your body does not make enough insulin. Or, your body still makes insulin but can't properly use it. Without enough   insulin, your body cannot move blood sugar into the cells. Sugar builds up   in the bloodstream. High blood levels of sugar can cause problems.

 Medical experts do not know the exact cause of type 2 diabetes. They do know type 2 diabetes runs in families. A person can inherit a tendency to get type 2 diabetes. But it usually takes another factor such as obesity to bring on the disease." 

Copyright © 1997 American Diabetes Association



A Daily Journal of A Diabetic

A Story of Acceptance

Medications and Their Side Effects

Recipe of the Day



Great links to research diabetes:

American Diabetes Association
Diabetics Unite!
Diabetes and You
Health Link USA
Insulin Free World Foundation
Mary's Front Door
The Facts
Risk Test
Find a Cure

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These graphics were made by me and may be used with my permission.

(C) Dark Molasses