Imperial Recruitment Center

Welcome Civilian

Within these doors lies the opportunity of a lifetime. The chance to earn the respect and admiration of your peers, by becoming one of the elite. A member of the Imperial Military.

As a member of the Imperial Military, you will receive the opportunites of travel and adventure, to meet interesting new races and cultures, who will of course respect and admire your dedication and service to the Empire. After all, not everyone is as priviledged as you will be.

The Imperial Army
The Imperial Navy
Your Political and Military leaders
Why the Rebellion is doomed to fail or "I have a bad feeling about this."
Fiery Figrin D'an's music cantina
Star Wars Humor
My Star Wars Test NEW!!!!
A real Star Wars link

DISCLAIMER:Star Wars is a product of LucasFilm, and as such, nothing within this site is original. All material within was stolen or produced through unauthorized methods, and if asked by a representative of LucasFilm, any and all material within this site will be removed.


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