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David Gregory

The intellect is the part of the psyche that processes data with the tool of logic. Many of the following points explain the intellect's value as a supplement to the intuition


The purpose of the intellect.

bulletThe intellect gathers data. This data is obtained from sources such as reading, empirical sensory input, or conversations with analysis oriented people.
bulletThe intellect creates data. From its base of information, it uses methods such as inductive and deductive logic to generate new data.
bulletThe intellect fills in some gaps in our data. Sometimes intuition gives exact instructions, in other cases, we detect only a vague feeling or a fragment of a message. In those instances, we can refer to the intellect to provide supplementary data. If intuition presents only a general warning that we need to be more careful with our finances, we turn to our intellect to study matters such as specific investment options. We can use our intuition to help us to decide which option is most likely to be fruitful.
bulletThe intellect processes a particular type of data. This type of data is that which is reducible to non-ambiguous, measurable units. The intellect is the appropriate mode when we are balancing our checkbook.
bulletThe intellect provides data for intuition's processing of data. Intuition presents data spontaneously. We simply know a new bit of data. However, intuition builds on previously acquired data. First, we gather information via the Intellect, then intuition gives us insight into that information.
bulletThe intellect verifies data. If we receive a message from any source, that the sun will not rise tomorrow, our logic rightly disagrees. For our reality check, we can refer to experts, personal experience, rules of logic, statistics, history, books, etc..
bulletThe intellect formats data for presentation to analysis oriented people. Some people communicate primarily via facts, other people communicate primarily via feelings and emotions. We need to format the data into a logical presentation so that it can be understood and accepted by people who primarily value logic.
bulletThe intellect conveys both analytical and, paradoxically, non-analytical data. Sometimes words that constitute one of the intellect's primary tools are an effective means by which to relay something that is not expressible in words themselves. The lyrics of religious hymns may be more important for the transmission of feelings and emotions and imagery that they are for the transmission of the concepts that are expressed in them.
bulletIntellect contributes a dimension to our understanding of data. The mind does not know anything. It is like a computer that can present the word, cat on its monitor, but it does not know what a cat is. In contrast, we possesses consciousness, that uses the mind as an instrument for examining design aspects of itself as those aspects exist in the mental dimension. Consciousness is the entity that knows, through experience. The intellect examines those experiences, to view them from its own mental perspective, a perspective that adds a valuable dimension and depth to our viewpoint and understanding.
bulletThe intellect provides data that constitutes the thoughts in our designs. Every situation is based on an interaction between reciprocal designs. As we interact, we generate thoughts, imagery, energy tones as emotions, feelings, and actions. These elements influence the energy field that surrounds each design. When we are devising a response to that design, we tend to automatically refer to those elements to determine how we usually respond to this situation. The thoughts that the intellect created during previous encounters help us to formulate a response in this situation.

The limitations of the intellect.

bulletThe intellect operates only with consciously known data. This data is acquired from external sources such as reading, research, or empirical sensory input, and internal sources such as the products of logical deductions and inductions. Intellect is useless in situations in which: 1) Facts are incomplete or wholly unavailable. 2) The subject matter cannot be crystallized into facts. In contrast, intuition has access to all data regarding any given situation, even the data of which we are not consciously aware.
bulletThe intellect can process only a limited amount of data. We are restricted by various factors, including the capacity of our memory, and the time that is required for learning, and our intelligence or our capability for processing data. In contrast, intuition has an infinite capacity for data processing even in complex circumstances, it can acquire and consider all relevant data. When intuition is applied to our experience, the overview suggests that we are operating from a cumulative awareness of every bit of data in the universe.
bulletThe intellect uses a decision making process. It analyses information, and then it considers the options, and the outcomes of each of those options. In contrast, intuition does not present alternatives. It gives one answer, and then our only decision is to comply with that message or not to comply.
bulletThe intellect is slow. It relies on laborious fact gathering such as research and study, and the time consuming process of logical analysis. In contrast, intuition can provide information instantaneously, however, when intuition is used in problem solving, it generally provides its data only after we have acquired facts through the research and study.
bulletThe intellect relies on generalizations and templates. When the intellect does not have access to all data regarding each situation, it can only create generalizations about the situation, and then it formulates its understanding and response by viewing analogies between this situation and similar design situations. Each situation is unique, it contains elements that are unlike those of other situations, and we could discover that those singular elements render our analogies inaccurate. In contrast, intuition offers observations and suggestions that are based on an overview of all factors as they exist in each unique moment.
bulletThe intellect does not have a reliable self correcting mechanism. Despite the rules of logic, the intellect cannot adequately judge its own conclusions. This is because the analytical mind does not know anything. It merely processes data in the manner of a computer that knows only electrons, and it does not know the concepts that those electrons are expressing on our computer monitor. After we have worked on an intellectual project, we may say, "I followed the instructions, but the answer doesn't feel right", that feeling is our intuition. When pure logic arrives at a correct answer, we can credit its success to mere luck, except perhaps in rare situations that are purely analytical such as simple mathematics, like 2+2=4.
bulletThe intellect is incapable of understanding some modes of being. Analysis cannot grasp notions such as love and beauty and morality, as though those matters are in a different language, a different format, a different dimension, that is unapproachable from the intellect. We identify this dichotomy in models such as right hemisphere and left hemisphere or heart and mind. In an attempt to make sense of these intangibles such as beauty, the mind creates measurable standards and statistics, but those things are ultimately unrelated to the aesthetic qualities themselves.
bulletIt is incapable of understanding ambiguous statements. If a statement can be interpreted logically in a number of ways, it is our intuition that tells us which interpretation is most likely to be true. When we are told to love our enemy, logic alone cannot prevent grave errors in judgment. Logic may consider the religion's value on faith and brotherhood and self sacrifice and it could lead us to reduce our defenses, as we would do in the presence of a beloved friend, and even assist someone who is intent on harming us. In contrast, intuition, and the valid objections from ego, would reject those interpretations. It would strive to define both love and enemy such that we create a safe and productive relationship with an adversary.
bulletThe intellect works with dualities rather than wholes. It perceives facts as absolutes. Whichever philosophical position we take, there is also some validity in the opposite position. People might tell us to be open to strangers, while the police tell us to be wary of strangers. Paradoxically, both perspectives are true: kindness is good, and so is self protection. In contrast to the intellect, intuition fully recognizes the legitimacy of all elements in a situation, and it knows that they are all part of the synergistic dynamic.
bulletThe intellect works within a closed system. Unless we make a deliberate effort to learn, and to gather additional information, the intellect uses only its present base of data, that it processes in a habitual routine. In contrast, it is our intuition that gives us the feeling that "I need more information on this subject.". The intellect deals with a closed system, it can imagine itself to be an expert or a scholar, whereas an intuitive person always has a fresh approach, even when considering familiar material. After the intuition discerns a need for more data, it can suggest a source for that data.
bulletThe intellect can minimize the importance of intuition. Sometimes intuition's accurate message contradicts experts' opinions, conventional knowledge, statistics, and other forms of non-intuitive guidance. If we are uncertain of the legitimacy of intuition as a means of guidance, we might discard it altogether when its messages differ from those of respected authorities.
bulletThe intellect allows for the existence of meaningless scholarship. Certainly, some fields of study require extensive knowledge, but the accumulation of facts has value only to the extent that the particular information is useful to our experience of life. We do not need to know how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. Mere intellectual scholarship is often confused with wisdom, that is a blend of intellectual knowledge, personal experience, and an intuitive perception into the meaning and application of the data. Intellectual scholarship frequently generates vain pride, such that we are unwilling to accept valid ideas that contradict the theories upon which we have built our reputation. We begin to rationalize our faulty beliefs, and we terminate our process of learning. In contrast, intuition imparts only the information that we need. It does not burden us with irrelevant details that would distract us from important matters.
bulletThe intellect's concepts can be solidified into dogma. Regardless of the teacher, the teachings are only viewpoints, opinions, theories, and personal interpretations and sometimes they are intended only for a specific person, group, culture, or time period. Those teachings probably arose from one person's intuition, but the ideas can become institutionalized as dogma such that we become unwilling or even afraid to seek our own intuition.
bulletThe intellect's words are a limited form of expression.
bulletWords have different meanings to different people. One mother may believe that love means that she should discipline a child, while another parent believes that it means that she should the let child run free.
bulletWords' meanings change. As a society evolves, its words acquire new meanings and connotations. The word sex has different connotations today than it did during the sexually repressive Victorian era. Even for ourselves, words have different meanings depending upon our mood or our stage of life. The concept of freedom is probably not the same to a 50 year old person as it was during that person's adolescence.
bulletWords cannot express the inexpressible. Energy, being the ground of all things, cannot be fully explained verbally because words imply opposites and contrasts and limited contexts. Any law of energy is an ironic contradiction of the very nature of energy.
bulletThe intellect is incapable of consistently generating accurate predictions. This fault occurs because the intellect works only on the basis of linear projections from identifiable trends. In contrast, intuition can perceive the nature and movement of phenomena that are not known to the conscious mind.


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