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David Gregory

We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Judgmentalness is a conclusion that something does or does not exhibit characteristics which we believe that it should exhibit. We are comparing something to an ideal, and to our personal values. This conclusion is not merely a mental conclusion, it also contains other factors such as emotions of anger and resentment, or elation and praise. It is an attitude toward a behavior design, not a person. The person is merely enacting that behavior.

The positive aspects of judgmentalness.

bulletJudgmentalness is our attempt to discern what is beneficial to us. We can discern that a criminal is a danger to the society in which we live. Judgmentalness can also be a positive evaluation. We can judge a person's behavior to be beneficial, however, judgmentalness goes beyond the mere discernment.
bulletJudgmentalness is our attempt to affirm our values and our standards of morality. When we judge a person's behavior to be wrong, we are asserting that a different behavior would be right..
bulletPositive judgmentalness is our attempt to affirm a person. We are judging people when we applaud a performer, or when we congratulate someone, or when we say, "I approve." In those acts, we are implying that those people comply with our values, and that they have earned our respect.
bulletJudgmentalness is our attempt to assert that people are responsible for their actions.

The negative aspects of judgmentalness.

bulletIt distracts our attention from the reality of the situation. Instead of perceiving things as they are, we are dwelling on our ideas of how the situation should be.
bulletIt distracts our attention from the reality of ourselves. In order to judge other people, we must repress our awareness that we are capable of performing similar acts. When we judge, we are always hypocrites.
bulletIt distracts our attention from the current moment. The unresolved energy of our judgmental thoughts, images, energy tones, and actions draw our attention to them such that we are not attending to the present situation.
bulletWe are limiting our range of expression. When we implant judgmental thoughts, images, energy tones, and habits in the field of a design, our main intent is not to affect the person. Our main intent is to make that design situation so unpleasant for us that we will not want to enter it. We are preemptively punishing ourselves because our self righteous self image would be damaged if we engaged that design situation or if we performed a similar act. Life will require us to enter that design situation at some future time, regardless of the self inflicted pain. Indeed, we must enter that design situation for various reasons:
bulletWe need to discharge the energy of the judgmental thoughts, images, energy tones, and habits that we have implanted into that design. That charge is the very force that creates the design situation in our life. The punishment for judgmentalness is that we have to do whatever we judged someone else for doing. If we judge someone for being dishonest, we will soon find ourselves doing something dishonest. Indeed, we become that which we hate.
bulletWe need to understand that design is an aspect of life. Our judgmentalness is proof that we do not yet have that understanding. Only by entering that design situation, and experiencing the life which is there, can we learn about that design as a part of life. We can have damned the Aggressor design. When life rightly requires us to be an aggressor perhaps in defense of our family or country, we need to enact our Aggressor design, but our ability to employ it is crippled by the damning elements that linger in that design.
bulletWe face the following possibilities:
bulletWe do not act. We are unwilling to enact the design because we associate it with unpleasant qualities and therefore we fail to obey intuition's guidance. To block the impulse from intuition, we generate additional judgmental elements such as thoughts, or images that cause even more of an energy blockage, rendering us less able to respond appropriately to intuition when we confront this design again.
bulletWe act. However, our actions are inaccurate and ineffective because we are distracted by our need to simultaneously discharge the field's lingering energies that we implanted during our period of judgmentalness. We are divided by guilt because we are violating the judgmental values that are registered in that field.
bulletJudgmentalness does not feel good emotionally. Even though we can enjoy the emotional excitement, and the adrenaline, and other aspects of the experiences, we generally prefer to be in a state of happiness and love. Judgmentalness changes pain into suffering. Pain is merely an experience of discomfort, but suffering is the additional emotional distress that we experience when we decide that this pain should not be occurring.
bulletJudgmentalness can lead to complacency.
bulletJudgmentalness is not productive.

Techniques for dealing with judgmentalness.

bulletDesign-work. We generate the energy tones such as calmness and peacefulness.
bulletAffirmation. "I accept whatever I perceive." "People are doing the best they can do in every moment." "I forgive myself and other people"
bulletDirected imagination.
bulletModeling We act as if we are non-judgmental.
bulletIntuition. Intuition can tell us how to respond to situations in which we would tend to be judgmental. Our response includes particular thoughts, images, energy tones, and actions.
bulletWe differentiate between judgmentalness and similar states. We can still like or dislike. We can still discern. We can still reject something as "not right for me," or "not appropriate for me".
bulletWe can practice acceptance. We accept the reality of the world as it is. Of course, we can still like or dislike particular things in the world, and we can still work to change the things that we dislike. We accept ourselves when we realize that we are being judgmental.
bulletWe avoid perfectionism. Judgmentalness is based on our assessment that a person or situation is not perfect.
bulletWe avoid projection. When we are judgmental, we are usually projecting our own faults.
bulletWe can do potential-work.
bulletWe explore humility. In any situation, we allow ourselves to respond with thoughts, images, energy tones, and actions but we realize that our response is merely a personal reaction. When ever we label a behavior as right or wrong we are being judgmental.
bulletWe can explore forgiveness. In judgmentalness, there is a lack of forgiveness.
bulletWe question our use of judgmental words. Depending upon the context, those words can include should, ought, must, damn, if only, I wish, I disapprove. We observe the occasions when we are exhibiting the various types of judgmentalness such as complaining, criticizing, gossiping, or cursing.
bulletWe accept responsibility for the judgmentalness. Regardless of whatever we are judging, we are responsible for our reaction of thoughts, images, energy tones, and actions. The judged thing is not forcing us to respond in any particular manner.

Great Spirit, help me never to judge another until I have walked in his moccasins.

Sioux Indian Prayer

Next topic: Forgiveness



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Last modified: April 13, 2008