Last name First name Birth Death Greenwood Joe Ann 8/14/1937 1/19/1938 Clark Joe 8/19/1896 no date Clark J. F. 10/29/1866 12/2/1955 Lawrence Troy Ray 9/9/1922 6/24/1931 Hurst Betty Jean 10/14/1934 1/13/1936 Hurst Eleanor 2/13/1934 8/4/1935 Surgin Laura E. 1879 1936 Surgin Joseph M. 1869 1944 Welch Jr. 9/3/1933 9/16/1946 *s/o Roy E. & Alma Welch Roxie E. 1882 1936 Welch William G. 2/14/1877 12/23/1952 1 Unmarked Grave Tarbet Elizabeth A. 1960 1968 Cargile A. C. 1870 1935 2 Unmarked Graves Hailes Laura Borders 8/24/1901 11/9/1931 3 Unmarked Graves Richardson A. M. 1852 1930 2 Unmarked Graves Williams Arminda A. 11/15/1849 5/29/1917 Hicks Elizabeth R.. 1863 1918 Dixon Odell Garrett 12/17/1923 2/26/1924 *s/o J.P. & E. B. 2 Unmarked Graves Schaeffer Virginia D. 1/23/1879 12/31/1915 Hall Floy J. 9/22/1878 10/23/1931 Hall Bertie O. 2/3/1880 10/5/1960 Hall Flora E. 9/22/1878 no date 5 Unmarked Graves Taylor Ellen 6/25/1856 12/30/1928 *w/o Coleman 9/10/1910 Taylor Coleman 10/7/1845 7 Unmarked graves Stevenson Eugenia E. 9/25/1859 5/20/1904 *w/o N. J. 1 Unmarked grave Creel Ova 2/4/1902 10/27/1915 Creel Ola 2/4/1902 3/21/1916 *d/o T. J. & G. D. Creel Webb Bula Lindsey 9/29/1925 12/11/1962 Lindsey William Oscar 7/7/1937 3/22/1959 *s/o Emmett & Dona Williams J. W. 8/26/1857 4/19/1906 Dawson Quinnie 2/8/1893 10/28/1915 *w/o R. F. Dawson Earl R. 3/25/1892 2/20/1917 Dawson Nancy C. 5/7/1860 2/8/1923 Mabry L. V. 6/6/1906 6/12/1906 *d/o F. C. & Emma Mabry W. C.6/6/1906 same *s/o F. C. & Emma 1 Unmarked grave Jones Mary Frances 9/17/1860 11/18/1916 Jones John Alfred 6/7/1892 7/2/1907 Skinner Mary J. 2/24/1864 12/6/1910? *w/o J. R. Massey Virgie E. 3/25/1910 2/26/1911 *d/o T. B. & Ollie Wooden marker no info Mundell Carrie 7/13/1883 3/7/1914 *w/o W. E. Hallett J. J. 8/21/1859 2/25/1906 7 Unmarked graves Throneberry Alice 7/30/1872 3/2/31935 Glass B.D. no date no date Glass A. D. no date no date Glass B. T. no date no date *Fieldstone markers on Glass Family* Creel Nancy 4/27/1840/2 6/13/1929 *w/o A. Creel Creel Anthony 9/13/1833 6/11/1917 1 Unmarked grave Dixon Wander 6/15/1922 10/11/1922 Dixon Jim Dillard 5/21/1922 12/31/1923 1 Unmarked grave Patton Baby Dalton 11/6/1922 1/18/1925 Allred Bert Lamont 12/4/1913 12/17/1924 *s/o Harvey & Beedie Allred Harvey 5/15/1884 8/1/1964 Allred Beedie 2/9/1888 no date Peden L. N. 10/31/1846 7/27/1917 Peden Parlee 7/25/1852 12/23/1923 Wright Lenard G. 6/8/1913 9/12/1919 *s/o A. G. & A. A. Wright Alexander G. 1869 1941 Alexander Ada Alice 1875 1959 *headstone reads "buried at Healdton, Oklahoma"* Williams Albert C. 11/5/1872 1/20/1955 Willis Roy 6/26/1918 10/2/1918 Willis Elmer 9/15/1926 5/23/1927 *sons of M.M & A. C. Willis George Isaac 2/8/1834 4/28/1959 Lawrence Joseph Henry Jr. 7/3/1925 4/19/1926 *s/o J.H. & L.L. Linton Ada Alice 1869 no date Linton H. D. 1884 1965 3 Unmarked graves Dyess Lillian M. 4/25/1873 10/11/1950 Dyess Augustus W. 4/1/1865 8/29/1932 Welch Nancy Ann 4/31/1875 12/25/1955 Welch Henry J. "Bud" no date no date 6 Unmarked graves Ryan Carl Randall 12/15/1933 4/11/1934 *s/o A. C. and Alma Griffith Mattie L. 6/12/1872 4/1/1959 Griffith James M. 5/10/1868 2/15/1941 Morrow Joseph W. 1863 1951 Welch Sarah R. 1/6/1876 6/20/1956 Welch Newell J. 6/24/1857 8/9/1929 Brown Floyd 10/6/1918 5/28/1930 *s/o E. E. & Aggie Brown Aggie 10/12/1901 4/25/1936 Brown Ernest 6/18/1893 4/25/1936 1 Unmarked grave Latham Mattie F. 1872 1962 Latham King W. 1860 1935 Rowe Marilyn Kaye 1/2/1942 6/24/1943 Taylor Robert S. 1879 1934 1 Unmarked grave Garner John J. 1872 1940 Garner Dora I. 1876 no date 6 Unmarked graves Franks G.W. 'George" 9/5/1878 8/11/1968 Franks E. N. "Emer" 4/22/1890 12/20/1954 Waller T. R. 9/27/1883 1/31/1946 1 Unmarked grave Burnes T. J. 3/20/1843 11/21/1937 Burnes N. J. 5/31/1847 9/27/1924 *w/o T. J. 1 Unmarked Grave Scott Dale 3/10/1913 9/21/1938 Scott Jess C. 9/21/1877 8/14/1948 2 Unmarked grave Parker George 8/17/1928 12/23/1928 White Phoda 4/20/1849 12/6/1914 Faulkner Cecil A. 4/7/1917 9/23/1919 Tyson Tommie 9/18/1897 3/25/1910 Kennan Belle no date 1907 Randolph Ambrose 10/18/1875 11/3/1956 Stroud Willa D. "Olie" 7/4/1901 no date Stroud James J. "Man" 9/26/1894 3/26/1966 md June 8, 1921 Stroud Tannie N. 1/21/1881 1/27/1965 Stroud John T. 1/1865 7/19/1938 md Aug 31, 1913 Douglas L. A. 3/26/1810 2/19/1894 Newman Ona G. 7/7/1898 1/31/1899 *d/o s. W. & S. S. 2 Unmarked graves Meadows Nathaniel 6/20/1920 2/6/1926 3 Unmarked graves Weatherford Don B. 7/22/1922 12/2/1951 Okla. RCT 4011 Area Suc Unit 5 Unmarked graves Birgess Elizabeth 7/22/1850 7/22/1902 *w/o E. P. Birgess Ephraim P. no date 5/7/1924 Weatherford David W. 1/6/1935 8/8/1962 Brazeal Hubert W. 1/9/1912 6/5/1913 *s/o T. J. & Ada 1 unmarked grave Brazeal T. J. 10/16/1876 12/11/1927 Mounts G. W. 8/17/1847 1/23/1891 Creel Otis 7/14/1899 4/21/1963 PFC U.S. Army WWI Gibson Kizzie 2/20/1862 12/25/1902 *w/o J. T. Creel Minnie O. 3/24/1869 1/2/1957 Creel Elah 8/27/1901 6/30/1902 *d/o R. J. & M. O. Creel Opal 10/16/1903 8/13/1904 *d/o R. J. & M. O. Odell Sammie 8/6/1900 1/9/1901 *s/o W. A. & E. M. Odell Frank A. 12/5/1904 6/23/1905 *s/o W. A.. & E. M. Butler Viola 3/20/1892 1/28/1939 *w/o Otto Bailey D. J. 8/15/1882 5/18/1901 *s/o W. r. & M. Weatherford Lary Dale 10/6/1856 12/19/1957 Rouse Jamie Louise Quick 4/2/1923 1/24/1961 Quick Sallie D. 4/16/1897 9/15/1957 Quick ?????? 9/12/1892 no date Woods Willie A. 79 years 9 days 1/31/1964 Byram Lee Roy 11/13/1904 11/5/1962 Byram Ethel 12/29/1909 no date Phillips Wilma 6/4/1919 12/3/1955 Phillips Myrtle Mrs. age 81 years 10/29/1966 Weatherford Mary Lou 1/21/1879 3/19/1965 Weatherford B. T. 8/12/1877 5/30/1941 Pierce Jess 1871 1956 Pierce Ida Elizabeth 2/16/1885 10/4/1943 *w/o Jess 6 unmarked graves Forsythe Nina Ruth 3/25/1909 4/27/1910 Southerland William M. 3/24/1899 12/27/1911 *s/o J. M. & B. L. Peden Francis M. 1859 1941 Peden Martha C. 5/2/1864 6/10/1923 Peden Francis M. *stone* 2/12/1859 1/11/1941 Smith C. W. 11/29/1859 3/26/1914 Miller Julie 1851 1934 *Grandmother* Nelson L. J. 6/16/1857 4/18/1922 Jones Naomi 1/19/1912 3/12/1938 Jones Wm. W. 1880 1944 Jones Maggie F. 1879 1945 Flatt Ida Bell 1/9/1874 4/18/1958 Flatt John 3/10/1872 12/11/1934 Starkie Clinton 7/4/1914 1/25/1933 Henderson Della Lee 3/11/1894 12/30/1960 Moody Willie Juanita 1881 no date Moody Reuben W. 1878 1932 Carroll ?????? 3/10/1916 8/3/1916 *s/o M.M & D. T. Carrell Ritter Una Lenora 1/17/1913 7/17/1913 Parker Eurcle 2/8/1917 8/6/1929 Parker Bernell 1/8/1920 2/10/1920 Caswell Lonzo 9/20/1913 5/29/1918 Caswell Mrs. M. I 7/4/1883 10/18/1921 Parker Annie no date 2/?/1937 Hammond O. G. 12/22/1849 12/23/1928 Hammond M. A. 10/3/1852 12/15/1945 Randolph Guyden 3/23/1881 4/2/1928 *w/o A. M. , Mother E. B. Hammond Lela 1/7/1907 1/7/1922 Hammond Sudie 4/9/1888 8/7/1921 Hammond Kate P. 1885 1913 Hammond W. A. Delbert 1875 1967 Collier J. B. 2/3/1848 7/14/1915 Collier Louisa Ann 5/14/1851 10/28/1940 Moody Floyd Aston 2/24/1921 11/2/1921 *s/o M. W. & V. L. Moody Wayne 10/31/1919 same *s/o M. W. & V. L. Morris Baby 7/3/1936 *Funeral Home marker* Stroud Charles Ray 8/23/1933 10/171933 Doshier Bertie 7/30/1885 2/22/1913 Martin Sallie 10/22/1877 8/6/1946 Martin T. L. 8/31/1876 8/15/1939 Martin Lucy 10/27/1910 5/24/1913 *d/o T. L & S. Lawrence Mildred 1914 1917 Davis Serepta 1824 1913 Lawrence J. J. 1844 1920 Raines James C. 1/12/1896 10/16/1918 Raines Mary L. 9/1/1874 11/7/1914 *w/o W. H. Raines W. H. 8/16/1860 12/16/1912 Moody Amanda E. 7/2/1850 8/11/1936 Moody James A. 2/10/1850 8/18/1912 Skinner J. R. 10/22/1853 11/30/1929 Skinner Norman E. 3/18/1895 11/28/1955 *Okla. Pvt 8 Depot Suc. Co. ASC* Skinner Addie Mae 1/16/1900 no date Faulkner Lorene M. 11/30/1872 1/8/1960 Faulkner George A. 8/23/1867 4/24/1953 Tucker Randal 10/18/1911 11/11/1911 *s/o W. A. & Allie Shaeffer Floyd D. 11/12/1907 8/7/1908 *d/o G. H. & L. V. Shaeffer Cynthia A. 11/21/1847 7/18/1907 *w/o J. M. Phillips Dorthy J. 1953 1965 Tipps Imogene 10/7/1916 7/9/1932 Tipps Jessie E. 2/14/1921 2/9/1929 Tipps Daisy R. 11/8/1880 12/4/1953 Womack Walter and Paul no date no date Alma John 12/18/1918 3/23/1919 Griffin Leah A. 6/5/1858 12/5/1914 *w/o J. W. Borders Claborn D. 1902 1928 Parker Mae McFarland 2/18/1895 6/25/1943 Ginn Tessie E. 6/26/1888 7/5/1959 Ginn Edgar "Ed" 7/15/1887 11/17/1919 Byram Clara A. 2/14/1878 12/28/1917 Byram Georga A. 9/24/1873 10/17/1957 Mullins John Dale 1930 1930 Byram A. J. 7/16/1949 9/13/1926 Randolph Sallie J. 1/30/1872 5/20/1958 Randolph Thad C. 3/14/1870 12/6/1933 Randolph Byram C. 1906 1937 Auld E. O. 2/22/1884 2/23/1923 Auld Loney no date no date Holeman 1870 1937 Holeman Rosie 1874 1941 Hunt John H. 8/4/1871 12/26/1955 Hunt Mary L. 1871 1944 Hunt Henry Leslie 11/16/1901 12/28/1918 *s/o J. H. & M. L. McFarland James W. 2/17/1862 8/28/1928 McFarland Mary A. 2/1/1865 10/23/1950 Lemons Roy Weldon 10/22/1922 10/16/1924 White Paul Morrie 5/1/1884 4/21/1963 Faulkner J. C. 11/30/1869 8/15/1949 Jones William 4/25/1847 11/11/1925 Massey Ella Lee 5/2/1883 6/29/1929 Kenan Vester 1903 1961 Welch Earnest 1876 1965 Welch Jennie 1877 1959 Welch A. G. 1846 10/26/1925 Welch Mary L. 1846 3/27/1916 Welch Weddie 10/19/1880 7/22/1902 *s/o A. G. & M. L. Brown Debe 11/19/1889 5/19/1907 *child of M. A. & M. L. Shrader Cassie 10/4/1882 1/12/1919 *w/o R. L. Shrader Holder M. 3/29/1906 4/28/1919 *s/o R. L. &j Cassie Moore W. H. 1859 1911 Moore Jesse E. and Allen E. no date 2/22/1903 Moore T. D and M. M. no date 2/29/1903 Brown A. Welch 9/26/1891 1/15/1928 Price Augusta 5/28/1896 11/18/1901 *d/o S. R. & Bulah Skaggs Daughter 5/22/1901 5/23/1901 *d/o W. W. and M. S. Benson Mary A. 1/15/1830 6/5/1902 *w/o B. H. Benson Benjamin H. 12/15/1832 5/5/1906 Benson Francis C. 8/5/1867 8/15/1908 *w/o J. J. Moody Ida M. 4/29/1876 11/30/1908 *w/o J. L. Hollabaugh L. Frank 12/4/1873 12/27/1949 Martin Benjamin G. 1839 1904 Martin Lucinda J. 1846 1934 Hollabaugh J. A. 12/9/1838 5/8/1928 Hollabaugh S. E. 8/4/1848 2/23/1922 Richards Baby no date no date Dickingson Charley Mae 3/30/1822 4/26/1924 Richards Bertha V. 8/20/1898 7/18/1899 *d/o J. S. & M. W. Richards Jack 7/3/1907 12/24/1911 *s/o J. S. & M. W. Richards J. S. 6/20/1858 12/31/1919 McLain Luaura Eliza B. 1/28/1897 7/13/1899 McLain William A. 12/31/1903 2/19/1904 PR ENTISS WADE Unknown Unknown *Fenced plot, welded fence, no other information* Folsom Myrtle Marie 6/8/1898 8/15/1901 *d/o J. W. & M. A. Poe Pleasant 6/2/1885 2/26/1900 *s/o S. T. & L. A. Folsom Hattie 1909 1943? Poe Ray R. 7/21/1916 12/2/1916 Poe Edgar E. 1877 1949 Poe Lillie M. 1882 1916 Butler Viola 3/20/1892 1/28/1939 *w/o Otto Quick Clide W. 7/27/1914 9/9/1914 *s/o Lee & Sallie Welch Ray no date 10/25/1968 *63y-2m-17d* Lawrence R. D. 4/3/1868 11/28/1961 Lawrence Julia 4/9/1874 8/11/1960 Brazeal Ellen A. 9/14/1853 12/21/1908 Brazeal James M. 4/29/1851 5/17/1900 Moody Cora M. 8/20/1882 1/28/1907 *w/o M. H. Creel Annie D. 2/26/1902 3/31/1903 Creel Agnes 10/15/1898 12/14/1888 *d/o S. D. & L. C. Anderson Annie 3/22/1857 1/27/1899 *w/o D. M. Anderson William 3/21/1905 same *s/o T. W. & L. E. Anderson Cal "Alvin" 3/16/1906 3/18/1906 *s/o T. W. & L. E. Stroud James J. 9/26/1894 3/26/1966 *Pvt Oklahoma Co. C 59th Inf. WWI* 36 or more unmakred graves Grensha Susan 10/12/1859 4/7/1920 Sullivan Inf. Daughter 12/11/1937 12/18/1937 *d/o Tom & Sadie Sullivan Inf. Daughter 8/5/1935 same *d/o Tom & Sadie Sullivan Inf. Son 2/17/1933 2/23/1933 *s/o Tom & Sadie Sullivan Inf. Son 1/24/1926 same *s/o Tom & Sadie Sullivan Tom J. 1/21/1900 9/19/1948 Sullivan Sadie 12/18/1903 no date Sullivan George W. 2/17/1870 2/4/1949 Sullivan Mrs A. L. 2/17/1878 9/1/1916 *w/o G. W. Sullivan Wesley L. 8/7/1913 10/24/1937 1 Unmarked grave Blankenship Columbus W. 10/?/1887 7/?/1922 Soloman Mary S. 12/4/1848 5/25/1917 2 Unmarked graves Kearns Ellen 4/7/1855 10/22/1919 Burns H. S. 11/11/1847 2/3/1915 Bandy Bobbie Gene 3/7/1928 5/7/1928 Ellis Kenneth Ralph 10/15/1929 5/13/1931 *s/o T. R. & Opal*
(continued from Volume 2, Number 3, July 1987.)
Last name First name Birth Death Means Haskell, s/o J.M. & I.E. 5-17-1908 11-1-1929 Tucker Stanley, s/o J.R. & M.M. 8-10-1919 8-26-1923 Tucker Myrtle Whisenant 8-1-1893 2-23-1964 Creel Cora Dell "Mother" 6-17-1883 9-12-1952 Creel Thomas Joshua 11-17-1875 7-13-1940 Davis Wanda Lucill 5-28-1940 5-20-1952 McIlvain Joseph 2-12-1887 11-23-1914 McIlvain James H. "Mason" 5-26-1858 6-20-1925 McIlvain Rachel A. 1862 1944 Friels James H. 4-25-1842 12-9-1916 Wisdom Herman W., s/o ?R & E.S. 12-5-1916 2-12-1917 Sullivan Gerhard F. 4-8-1902 7-30-1967 Richards Mary W. 9-29-1864 12-26-1947 Richards Elmer 4-16-1886 5-26-1927 Dickinson Glennie Ann 4-16-1888 6-12-1954 Dickinson Charlie E. 1894 1961 Henderson Zora Beatrice 12-31-1906 1-17-1907 Turner Earnest L. 1891 1947 1 Unmarked grave Caviness Martha, w/o J.W. 5-25-1857 11-12-1925 Caviness John W. 2-3-1855 7-4-1900 Marshall Mary Parker, w/o H.B. 1882 1964 Dye Enos R. no date Dye Lou Ella no date Richards Thomas Jefferson 9-25-1891 6-24-1946 Ellis Claude "Daddy" 12-8-1899 3-15-1959 Ellis Lois Bayles 3-23-1921 no date Ellis Clyde H. 2-22-1911 6-26-1959 Ellis Leonard C. "md Jan 13, 1933" 12-18-1913 8-9-1965 Ellis Veda L. 2-20-1919 7-27-1959 Ellis George Lee 1908 1967 Tucker Clara A. 1-?-1900 6-?-1925 Roberson James Henry 7-1-1862 3-21-1922 Sanders Louie B. 1917 1942 Bryan Margaret M. 10-5-1866 5-10-1944 Bryan James C. 10-24-1864 3-6-1953 2 Unmarked graves Strap Mattie no date 3 Unmarked graves Sizemore Inf.s/o M.M. & C. R. 2-17-1934 same Baker Mrs. M. A. 2-5-1872 6-7-1925 Tipps Felix 1-28-1853 9-23-1909 Anderson Inf.s/o G. R. & C. L. 8-10-1905 same Sullivan Joseph 8-27-1823 age 82 Years Sullivan Sinthia 9-13-1827 5-7-1890 Blankinship Mary L. 5-1-1802 2-28-1905 Sullivan W. S. 12-9-1848 2-16-1923 Fulton J. W. 1-26-1859 1-7-1893 Jackson Rev. Jas. W. 3-24-1831 5-24-1913 McConnell Carlos Earl 1909 1911 Jackson Jessie J., s/o J.J. & V.B 12-20-1896 9-9-1937 Adams Martin L. s/o M.S. & W.E. 6-27-1891 9-16-1892 McLain David Logan "Father" 12-7-1863 10-23-1946 McLain Rosanna "Mother" 6-17-1872 11-26-1957 Wood S. L. 1863 1916 Wood J. B. 1862 1933 Poe Lillie , w/o E. E. 5-13-1882 4-6-1919 Mathew Marvin, s/o W. S. & K.J. 7-4-1889 10-9-1891 1 unmarked grave Trout James R. 10-10-1919 6-22-1939 1 Unmarked grave Vowell Mattie "Mother" 8-28-1887 4-8-1919 Vowell Lee, "Father" 10-28-1881 8-8-1962 Tyson Lavina, w/o T. J. "Mother" 8-14-1846 12-20-1927 3 Unmarked graves Wilson Elvis Lee 12-28-1913 4-21-1920 Herring J.D. no date 5 Unmarked graves in Herrin Plot McKinney Herbert Leland 2-9-1929 3-10-1929 2 Unmarked graves Phillips Ida 2-14-1881 5-8-1932 Phillips Monroe 4-5-1871 10-30-1953 1 Unmarked grave Coaly inf/son, Clarence & Mary 5-25-1935 same Lindsey Baby 2-18-1936 same Murray Martin, s/oEmmitt & Dona 2-?-1934 5-?-1934 Sessums Stella Annie 12-8-1902 age 50 years 6 Unmarked graves Griffith Harold Wayne age 32 years 5-4-1966 2 Unmarked graves Ryan ? age 42 years 1950 Ryan Oscar 10-9-1888 1-28-1930 Gay Burl Gilbert 1899 1958 Gay Stella Maurine 1901 1934 Bowman Nora V. 1889 no date Bowman Will W. 9-21-1887 1-27-1934 Bowman Nobie Viola, d/o Will & Nora 2-25-1921 4-27-1939 Taylor Ella 1-1-1878 8-19-1961 Taylor Dave J. 1-17-1874 5-18-1938 Dickinson John no date Dickinson Mary no date Dickinson Brader Doss no date Dickinson Ray no date Stewart J. K. 1853 1921 Stewart M. J. 1852 1930 2 Unmarked graves Richardson J. M. 11-17-1831 6-5-1922 1 grave marked with shells, no date or name Creel R. J. 1-23-1861 10-26-1927 Shipman Reba 8-26-1940 same Creel Enice G. 8-28-1881 5-7-1935 Creel Samuel 10-7-1870 5-18-1961 Morris H. G. 1-10-1868 3-8-1941 Morris Hines E. 1-20-1892 9-30-1938 Morris Bessie O. 9-4-1897 no date Morris Hattie 8-28-1869 11-27-1932 Morris Carl G., s/o H. E. & B. O. 3-22-1916 7-30-1917 Willoughby David A. 1907 1959 Ficklin name only painted on rock no date Willoughby Edna W. "Mother" 1875 1953 Thatcher Cindy 11-28-1906 4-20-1926 Samples A. F. 9-19-1843 1-20-1926 1 unmarked grave Staten Junie Mae age 54 years 11-18-1960 Aulds Ola Mae 3-18-1900 10-19-1964 2 Unmarked graves Skelton Baby no date 11-20-1928 2 Unmarked graves Busby J. W. , Hus of Alice 3-8-1876 7-30-1930 2 Unmarked graves Aulds Annie "Mother" 2-16-1901 12-27-1932 Benson Guy Holland no date 12-15-1941 Oklahoma Copr. 13 Inf. 8 Div." Benson Jackie C. "son" 1928 1930 Benson Cloyd V. "Father" 1903 1932 Disherson S. J. 1877 1931 Traywick S. P. Hus of J. G. 6-30-1841 2-13-1923 3 Unmarked grave Beshers H. C. Jr. 1922 1922 Nolen Baby 1925 1925 Wilson inf d/o H. & V. O. 11-18-1918 same 3 Unmarked graves Willoughby J. D. no date 9-19-1928 Ellis Robert Preston, "Brother" 6-15-1893 3-1-1962 Ellis Sarah C. 12-11-1875 3-17-1934 Ellis R. B. 8-9-1869 9-6-1943 Price W. M. 9-2-1841 1-26-1917 Price Sarah 2-14-1852 1-7-1941 Whisenant Jewel Fay, d/o Guy & Georgia 6-21-1915 5-18-1925 Stewart Nick 2-17-1883 9-18-1952 Stewart Pearl 5-6-1897 1-15-1963 Duck Ada 1885 1966 Duck J. W. 1887 no date 1 Unmarked grave Meadows Concrete marker, no info. 3 Unmarked graves Meadows Edward H. 10-11-1921 12-19-1969 Oklahoma Pfc U.S. Army WWII" Ivey No other info Downs Lester L. 2-23-1924 no date Oklahoma Pvt Gen. Hosp. 21" Downs Joseph J. 1875 1937 Downs Beshie 1877 1966 1 Unmarked grave Gentry Nina Evelyn "picture" 1933 1935 Poe Wm. Marchel 2-21-1914 10-20-1925 Poe Birdie Belle 1-4-1886 11-10-1927 Poe Otie E. I. 9-24-1878 12-24-1954 Poe Stephens T. 1-4-1904 10-29-1934 2 Unmarked graves Jones Zebedie 10-19-1897 1-23-1953 Oklahoma S. 2 U.S. Navy WWII" Grismon Mary 1-8-1900 9-23-1930 Maxey Sam 8-10-1866 10-29-1953 8 Unmarked graves Coaly Jan LeAnn 9-10-1955 9-12-1955 2 Unmarked graves Mashore R. Neal 1900 1969 Mashore Mildred Lois 8-15-1906 2-15-1940 1 Unmarked grave Brock Wm J. 9-15-1912 4-26-1945 WWII Texas Pfc 492 Armd. FA Bn11 Armd Div." Brock Nancy E. 3-11-1887 7-22-1941 Brock William J. 2-24-1874 12-23-1933 Brock Lizzie 1889 1941 3 Unmarked graves Steward Joe M. 1891 1964 Stewart Joye Glen 1919 1936 1 Unmarked grave Coaly Tennie P. 1-1-1878 no date Coaly Wm. H. 2-9-1872 1-9-1942 5 Unmarked graves Bowe Cement marker, no info. 2 Unmarked graves Poe Edgar Allen 4-20-1908 11-12-1947 Poe Lonnie, s/o F.E. & L.M. 2-11-1906 6-19-1923 Tarter Anna Sue 3-17-1930 5-19-1930 Evans L.D. age 46 years 10-23-1923 1 Unmarked grave Palmer James F. 9-23-1858 3-15-1930 2 Unmarked graves England John Cramer 2-2-1898 7-19-1921 4 Unmarked graves Baker James P. 9-20-1917 7-13-1923 Baker Ada E. 2-25-1883 12-29-1936 Baker James L. 2-13-1874 2-13-1952 Minnick Mr. Belva 1901 1966 2 Unmarked graves Gentry Eron Mae 1-7-1890 7-16-1968 Gentry Earnest W. 12-4-1892 no date Gentry Florence A. 8-16-1866 12-1-1925 Gentry Robert D. 4-20-1851 3-2-1926 Giffen Reba Fern, d/o W. B & Ella 7-?-1919 5-?-1922 8 Unmarked graves Northcutt Kathryn 1899 1965 1 unmarked grave Giffen J. W. 5-8-1940 10-20-1954 Northcutt Emely 3-12-1866 4-1-1956 Morris Henry 8-23-1883 9-23-1955 Morris Betty 3-25-1851 3-21-1951 Bell John Titus 12-14-1914 12-30-1948 Oklahoma S. Sgt. U.S. Marines WWII" Byram Janie 5-24-1885 no date Byram Monroe 9-9-1889 5-13-1955 Byram Rube 1887 1941 Byram Percy Winston 11-26-1923 10-23-1924 Byram Rube Odell 1-10-1917 4-24-1924 Latham Infant 1916 Byram Jane 1847 1915 Byram Nora 1875 1910 Byram Clarence G. s/o J. C. & M.M. 1-2-1904 1-13-1904 Tidwell M. H. s/o M.M. & Sarah 7-11-1899 9-11-1901
(Continued from Vol. 2 Number 4, Octover 1987)
Last name First name Birth Death 2 unmarked graves Hutchinson Hesakiah A. 1-15-1848 10-21-1908 Moore Janie, w/o S. A. 1-16-1873 6-4-1901 2 unmarked graves Brunson Lin 7-17-1862 8-12-1954 Brunson Laura 4-1-1870 11-27-1941 S.A.H. footsone no info N.H. footsone no info Holder J. W. "Odd Fellow" 3-12-1856 10-30-1924 Holder Pearl 9-27-1886 1-19-1962 Holder Aline 7-10-1918 11-19-1932 Holder Lawrence "Odd Fellow" 9-10-1885 6-22-1921 1 Unmarked grave Jones Mlinda 11-18-1869 1-13-1926 Green Charlie Ones 1-17-1900 8-13-1927 Green James J. 7-31-1889 10-8-1920 3 Unmarked graves Key G. R. jr. 2-14-1894 8-25-1894 Key Sarah M. 1-29-1857 3-5-1894 Key C. R. 6-21-1852 3-10-1908 Bradford Grace d/o T.S & T. stones broken Bradford Tex, w/o T.S. 11-19-1860 3-22-1899 Bradford Flo, d/o T. S. & T 9-17-1893 6-13-1894 9 unmarked graves Payne T. R. M. 6-1-1840 12-15-1898 Payne Children of T.T & R.L. A.M.P. footstone, no info O.E.P. footstone, no info Payne Rosa L. w/o T. T. 8-27-1879 4-3-1907 4 Unmarked graves Byram W. J. 1869 1932 1 Unmarked grave Latham Mary O. 5-24-1899 6-12-1960 3 unmarked graves Hefley Ina Anna, d/o J.M & L.B. 8-13-1896 2-20-1938 4 Unmarked graves Newman Earl, s/o W.W. & Deola 3-19-1897 11-3-1899 1 Unmarked grave 1 grave , stone broken, base only 2 unmarked graves Giddens Fannie I., w/o H. G. 7-21-1868 3-12-1897 1 unmarked grave Sewell Vera ?dith, d/o J.W. & I.V. 12-23-1898 1-25-1901 1 unmarked grave Frey Joseph H. ,s/o N. & B. 9-15-1887 1-8-1889 Johnson Eliza, d/o S.H. & S. L. 10-10-1882 12-20-1893 1 unmarked grave McCuistion Merit Benson s/o R.A. & N.E. 1-21-1894 11-30-1899 Williams Zettie , d/o J.H. & N.J. 4-12-1884 8-18-1899 Buser name on native stone; no other information Dupree Children of Pack and Lottie, no other information 1 square concrete marker; no other information 4 Unmarked graves Medlen W. P. 1-6-1848 12-12-1898 3 Unmarked graves Gilstrap Viola A. ,w/o P.C. 10-5-1862 8-1-1894 Gordon Arminda, w/o J.A. 1-22-1841 10-29-1898 Gordon J. A. 4-2-1838 1-1-1909 Hale Lenora, d/o W.M. & Lucy 1-11-1889 4-17-1892 Hale Myrtle no date Coleman Maliccia J. 1872 1942 Coleman George S. 1874 1927 Coleman Johnie L. 11-18-1895 12-9-1934 Coleman Willie E. 5-14-1902 4-2-1947 Coleman Charley L. 8-22-1903 8-15-1948 1 Unmarked grave Witson Brutus, s/o J.D. & N.M. 11-18-1883 10-21-1898 4 Unmarked graves Owens Lois age 13 Owens Wallace 12-25-1883 8-9-1918 Owens Belle "Bow" 1885 1934 1 Unmarked grave Tipps Bessie L. 1907 1961 Tipps W. D. 1869 1944 Tipps Mattie E., w/o W.D. 3-20-1875 7-18-1911 Wheat Jodie 1-3-1895 11-18-1897 3 Unmarked graves Bennett J. B., s/o A.C. & E. L. 9-17-1871 4-13-1899 7 Unmarked graves Wisdom W. W. "Mason" 9-15-1845 8-15-1917 1 Unmarked grave Arrington Albert D. s/oIllegible 3-5-1885 3-8-1885 Armstrong Allison A., s/o A.A. & M.O.E. 3-5-1885 3-5-1885 Folsom Diddie 6-4-1888 7-9-1965 Folsom Peter W. "Mason" 12-21-1879 10-28-1962 Wisdom S. J. w/o W. W. 2-18-1865 1-28-1902 Clowers Martin 1-13-1883 8-22-1902 3 Unmarked graves Burton Len, "Father" 1866 1935 Burton Willie, "Mother" 1891 1934 Burton Infant "son" 1932 2 Unmarked graves Towles Fannie "Mother" 1870 1945 Towles Morris "father" 1852 1935 Towles Infant "son" 4-27-1898 2 Unmarked graves Towles Toliver, hus of S. A. 2-25-1845 10-10-1895 Towles Sallie A. 11-12-1844? 3-5-1901 1 unmarked grave Towles John T. hus of Pearl F. 3-4-1884 8-13-1929 2 Unmarked graves Towles Pearl F. 1-12-1885 11-6-1945 3 Unmarked graves Armstrong Dora 1900 1926 Armstrong J. B. 1899 1927 Brewer Eulah M. 9-14-1891 9-29-1891 Brewer Esther A. 5-8-1897 9-9-1898 3 unmarked graves VAUGHT. CONCRETE STONE. Mother - Brother - Sister. no other information 9 Unmarked graves
On this list there are several dates that are blank.
These people either have not died yet or there was no date available.
There are also several names that have an astrik by them.
I have listed below why these have an astrik.
Birgess, Elizabeth C. (spelled Burgess on husbands tombstone) Burgess, Ephraim P. (spelled Birgess on wifes tombstone) Folsom, Altus (no tombstone, name welded on fence, no date) Folsom, Maude (no tombstone, name welded on fence, no date) Folsom, Prentiss (no tombstone, name welded on fence, no date) Folsom, Wade (no tombstone, name welded on fence, no date)(*** For the Grapham *** There are two steel plates with all ten names cut into them,
do not know if all ten are buried there or not) Graham, Annie Graham, Baby Graham, Billie Graham, Connie Graham, Della Graham, Linnie Graham, Mary Graham, Rosalie Graham, Sarah Graham, Wilson(tombstone says that Allen & Jesse died on Feb 29, 1903.
there is no such date, leap year was 1904) Moore, Allen Moore, Jesse Palmer, James Franklin (head stone & footstone do not match on date) Phillips, Dorothy J. (believe that both dorothys are the same) Phillips, Dorothy J. Ritter, Daisy B.(Buried at Resthaven Cem. Midland Texas)(There is one block that says VAUGHT,
mother, bro, sis, believe that all three are buried there) Vaught, Brother Vaught, Mother Vaught, Sister
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