Newspaper Stuff

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1910 Subscription for The Duncan Eagle :

Orr, W. E.
Evans, John H.
McInroe, J.P.
McCasland, J. C.
Stovall, W.A.
Jones, Frank
Howe, G.A.
Armstrong, J. M.
Duncan Light and Ice Co.
Massey, N.
Dewey, E.C.
Murphy, C.E.
Kuykendall, L. M.
Hall, Will
Harris, M.
McNiel, C.H.
Sitten, H. W.
Eberhart, J. S.
Briggs, A. R.

Foot Steps, April 1992

Raffle 1910 J. L. Clark of Duncan won saddle from Coombs Saddle Shop Foot Steps, April 1992

Death Bush, Mrs. Julia A. wife of A. W. Bush Proprietor Bush Hotel Died : Friday January 7, 1910 Born: Allegany, Virginia , May 20, 1837 Nine Children Internment City Cemetery of Duncan Foot Steps, April 1992

1910 Wed Licensed Jan 20, 1910 Jessie Beacham and Miss Jessie Billingsley from Doyle D. D. Green and Miss Fannie Brisco from Marlow Bedfor Crump and Miss Lue Carnes from Woolsey A. C. Robinson and Miss Mittie Lewis from Marlow R. X. Latham and Miss Ethel Gilliam from Duncan John White and Miss Murtle Hart from Velma Foot Steps, April 1992

Rock Creek School Report January 14, 1910 Ketchum, Leonard Castle, Ruth Barrett, Vernone Ketchum, Charlie Castle, Vena Castle, Earnest Wright, Ruth (teacher) Winsell, Eva E. Foot Steps, April 1992

Masque Ball
January 20, 1910
Mrs. Dora Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Brown Doc Steifel Miss Viola Peel and others Foot Steps, April 1992

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