Stephens County

Information found in WPA interviews, Volume 57, pages 191, 192.
From Warren D. Morse field notes, March 9, 1937.

Located 6 miles east and one mile south of Highway 22; one mile south of Gaddis School house and across the road from a farm house. NE 1/4 S17 T1S R6W. Founded 1878 by Tate, this cemetery was supposed to be public.

"At this place there are four graves on a hill, the graves are unmarked. I began inquiring about them. I found Mr. Gaddis who tells me at the time he settled here in early days, the whole country was in pasture, no roads or section lines. There was a sort of community and a schoolhouse called "Fairview."

His (Mr. Gaddis) wife's grandfather died and was buried on the hill. there were about three or four more buried there later before it was abondoned. The cemetery had no name nor was it a private cemetery." (End)

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