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![]() 1. I am ME, not anyone else, and I am unique, well, maybe a little weird....but I think weird is good. Who wants to be one of the "herd" in life? 2. It is MUCH easier to live up to my perception of what "a higher being" wants me to be. Now, I am not religious, in fact, I have been having an ongoing argument with "whoever is up there" about what I can handle and what that "whoever" thinks I can handle. But, no matter what anyone else says, it is not a sin to argue....ya argue with family members don't you...and it is personal. 3. I need to do what I needs to be done in daily living
and forget about what other people think.
4. If people don't like me, Tough! It is their lose, not mine. Life is
too short to make life a popularity contest. I don't need them! (That doesn't
mean that I don't still sometimes wish that I had more friends)
5. I must take my Meds. It is my safety net. I still fall, and fall hard sometimes, but my safety net is there to help me bounce back faster (still not fast enough, at times though, but hey, it is just meds, not a cure) ![]() SupportThe Samaritans:Emotional Support by Email Places to Contact if You can't Afford Medication Indigent Prescription Programs MHCR-Medication Assistance Program Stress Management NAMI: National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Walkers Web: support for mood disorders A Fine Kettle of Fish: Mental Wellness: for patients, families and caregivers Mixed Nuts: support group and chat for people living with mental illness Suicide Prevention Help: WRAP: Wellness Recovery Action Plan First Person: people share experiences relating to mental, emotional, and spiritual health Behavior Online: a gathering place for mental health and applied behavioral science professionals and students....Forum where you can participate in discussions or meet in private rooms for chats with experts |