Want to know what songs played in what episode? Check out the
music log for the complete listing of who was featured where and
when. Music log organized by episode.
Lyrics to songs that have been featured on the show including
"On my Own" (performed by Katie in Beauty Pageant)
and "The Blues" (performed by James and Meredith in Be
Careful What You Wish For!

-Updated everything for "Home Movies" and "Indian Summer" (10/30/99)

Want to find out about the 'Dawson's Creek' soundtrack? Here's the
place to go! You can even order it here courtesy of CDNow!
Want to hear your favorite songs featured on the show straight from
your computer? No problem! Check out the clips section to find sounds
including RealAudio, RealVideo, and MP3 formats!
Heard an artist on 'Dawson's Creek' that you want to hear daily
blasting out from your home stereo? Well, thanks to CDNow, you
can order those CDs straight from this website. Shopping online
could never be more easy! (flashes cheesy grin and thumbs up