Welcome to Cars, Travel and Stuff.
Life in any lane...

Introduction People Are Annoying
Not My Kid's Cars, Travel and Stuff
Around the House Links

You finally get beside the idiot in the stalled car, and your car stalls...

You see a bald faced hornet crawling up the inside of your face shield while doing 60mph on your motorcycle...

You suddenly discover that the one way street goes the other way...

You get stopped by the police at a roadside check,(its ok because you were not drinking) but you cant explain why you are nude...

The car horn goes off by itself while you are parked beside a hearse...

You finally get your wifes car off the ice and rolling, only to notice your wife standing beside you...

Special holiday rates at city owned lots are three times what they were yesterday...

You start a chain reaction by bumping into the first of two hundred Harleys parked outside a Hooters...

One of those reactions is named 'Tiny'...

Somebody parks so close to your car that the only way in is through the trunk...

Police drive behind you...

Old people drive ahead of you...

People drive right at you...

A hornet flies in through the window, your lighter falls into your lap, your kid unloads a Big Gulp, and you are still backing out of the laneway...

You set off the air bag by pounding on the steering wheel...

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