
Not My Kids

Around the House

Cars, Travel and Stuff

People are Annoying

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What People Are Saying.
(It's all true...)

5) I have to admit for a minute I thought we might have the same kids. But that couldnt be, could it? They are, and they want to come home now...
6)Here's the funny part, your site isnt!......ouch!
7)Needs work on the layout. Getting around is confusing but still some very funny stuff....some????
8)'re the guy beside me in traffic....and your the idiot in the stalled car????
9)I guess it's funny, but then again, I just lost my job at the Post Office.....ummmm, I see...

10)I found the visit refreshing in that I am not alone in the sometimes out of control comedy that we call life....ohhhhhhhhhhhhhkay...
11) What planet is response number 10 from??. guys make this sooooooo easy.
12) Where did the mirror site in German go?......I'm working on it, I really am.

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