Welcome to Not My Kid's.

Introduction People Are Annoying
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Your sitter calls your 8 month old the 8th dwarf..'Crappy'...

You come home and find the kids playing frisbee with your CD collection...

You cant help but wonder if your twins are really just messing with your brain...

The school calls...

At 4 AM in the morning you mistake your kids deflating Mickey Mouse balloon for an intruder...

Your kid really wants to be an Oscar Meyer wiener...

Your three year old slips a piece of toast into the VCR...

Your son sets off a live nail gun while you are at the Home Depot...

You lose your kid in the grocery store and then you hear "Clean up..aisle 7"...

There are days when you want to dig up Walt Disney and have it out with him...

You cant explain to the manager why your kid used a display toilet...

At four years old, your son decides he is old enough to cut his own hair...

The same son turns into a cross between 'Chuckie' and the 'Terminator' the minute your dinner guests arrive...

Your kids hit that age where every chore is worth money...

Your kid doesn't need a mask to scare other kids on Halloween...

At your house during a sleepover, your daughter and her friends decide to give your 4 year old son a makeover...

Your 4 year old waves the keys in your face from inside the locked car...

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