Last Updated: 9/18/98
The DLP is a Libertarian party that seeks to return freedom to the individual and minimize government involvement in private affairs, while maintaining a representative democracy . This party is independently funded by donations from private organizations.
While libertarians are a diverse group of people with many philosophical starting points, they share a defining belief: that everyone should be free to do as they choose, so long as they don't infringe upon the equal freedom of others. Human interaction should be voluntary, not coerced.
The only time physical force is acceptable is when it is used to defend against force. Many libertarians frame this in terms of the non-aggression principle: no individual or group of individuals shall initiate force against the person or property of any other individual.
To join the DLP or for information, E-mail or send a S.A.S.E to
Democratic Libertarian Party
PO Box 1219
Homewood, Illinois
Coming soon: Our stand on welfare, abortion and other issues.
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