Design Services


Design Services

Design Services - A Visual Media Ad Group for
Advertising, Show Promotions, & Publications
University Models - An Association of Talent for
Advertising, Media, Promotions, & Publications
Home | Modeling Styles | the Glamour Gig

Design Services - a resource for Distributor & Manufactures in the Southern California markets for the creation of Brochures, Catalog Sheets, & Postcards for area marketing.
University Models - is an association of talent with Design Services for Advertising, Promotions, & Publications.
What do I gain from UnivModels?
Univmodels will create a portfolio for assignments & promotions; and provide you with a photo cd, in exchange for modeling.  UnivModels are available for advertising, photo sets, publications, and tradeshows.
What are the costs?
Obviously nothing is free, yet you pay nothing.  Revenue is generated from assignments with billing to advertising clients.  You set your modeling rate and the studio charges a handling fee in the client billing.
Photo Portfolio Sets
Portfolio sets are typically done locally, and for your personal comfort, a friend is alway welcome.
Is Nudity Required?
No.  Obviously we collect greater fee's from Victoria Secret layouts than from the Baby Center, however we always work within your comfort level.

No Costs/No Obligations

Modeling Objectives:
Part-time Income with Flexible hours
Publications Layouts & Promotional Assignments
Photo Portfolio & being Published

Get in touch with questions or to offer comments.

You can e-mail us at:

Design Services