James Bond 007 PBeM
Some History...
James Bond 007 PBeM
Xavier Gonzalez is Angel (Anjel Javier Salvador). My oldest RPG friend and loyal mate.
Jill Richie is Isis (Arietty Sarafina Davidson).
Lione Scarmig is Lone Wolf (Bruce Wagner).
Paul Nelson is Omega (Michael Sullivan).
David Duncan is Taipan (Alexander Wellington).
Víctor Almazán is Night Hawk (Yoli).
Mark is 1107 of MI6 (Liberty Fairweather).
Curtis "The Scarlet Fox" is Shadow Eagle (V.I. Roberts)
Bruce Gustavson is Echidna (Bodvar Gustavson).
Jason Morton is Crazy Horse (Kendrick Ryder).
Prasad Pasala is Monkey (9th Para Commando Subedar Major Gupta Hanuman). A good mate, student buddy, and waiter from Surjit's Indian Restaurant. Currently busy with his own business in India.
Shagenthera Ganason voiced interest in playing Lieutenant Chong Sun Hip...
John Gabko (Pan) was played by Ivan Cappiello. Thanks for bringing your own unique style to my game, mate.
Graham Lowchoy was and will always be James Wong. Graham was the good freind who pushed me to GM the game, helped me put it together, designed the starting characters, and then got called away by work commitments and never did get a chance to play. Thanks for the good times, mate.
Steven Danaskos played Zeus (James Wong). Only once, in the first adventure.
Carlos Gollan played Aphrodite (Cassandra Amasova). Only once, in the first adventure. Although she was inspired by our own Bond Girl. <;-}>
Vedama Panajikar, ASIO's old guard, was inspired by Luis Fernandes, manager of Surjit's Indian Restaurant.
Lieutenant Commander Vasu Govindasamy (Merlion) of the Singaporean long-range amphibious reconnaissance commandos, currently posted to ASEAN and ASIO, is an NPC with major input from Nirmal Singh ji. "Just can't get the hang of this RPG thing, but it reads well."
As a GM, I created a rule that I instituted, and you might want to consider. When buying up skills, you may not have more skill levels than you have in the base stat. For instance, Lockpick/Safecrack is based on DEX. If your DEX is 8, you may buy up to 8 levels in the skill, giving you a 16 Primary Chance. But until you buy DEX up to 9, you can't have another level. If you DEX is 8 and you PER a 9, your base for Driving is 8, so you can't have more than 8 levels until you get the base up by buying up either DEX or PER. The reason I did this was characters would just buy skills up really quickly, making them too powerful too quickly. The other way to compensate for this is to give less experience, I guess. Anyway, this should be fun. Thanks again for the opportunity.
Doctor Yes – The Floating Island Mission.
“Looks like a floating death trap, if you ask me,” observed Major K.
“I say swim in at night and blow the submarine doors,” suggested Zebra Seven. “What do you think, Alpha?”
Alpha studied the map, glanced at his watch. “Too dangerous for one,” he said. “I’ll have my strike team assembled at once. Never been down under before… they say the fishing is superb.”
Mad Merc – The Alulu Island Mission.
“Alpha reports loss of radio contact with Alulu Island,” announced cryptanalyst Bradshaw.
“That would seem to confirm our suspicions of subversive activity,” said Major K. “Connect me with the Foreign Minister.”
The operator hesitated briefy, then handed the headset to the major. “No need, sir. She’s on the line for you...”
“Afternoon, Major. Brit Intel informs me that Mad Merc has taken over the protectorate.”
“Yes, ma’am,” choked the major. “The Japanese and the Americans will be informed.”
“See what you can do about getting it back. The Admiralty doesn’t want to be involved. I’ll call you in three days.”
The major handed back the headset. It was going to be a long night, to be followed by three days that would seem all too short...