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The QED Group

The QED Group, LLC is an 8(a) certified consulting firm specializing in economic research and management consulting. We strive to use rigorous and proven methods to provide solutions to problems facing businesses and government.  Our clients include U.S. Trade and Development Agency, World Bank, Prudential Foundation, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and Inter-American Development Bank, and USAID.

We are currently recruiting an analyst to conduct research on opportunities for U.S. businesses in emerging markets.  The position offers an excellent growth opportunity in a new and expanding company. The proposed candidate will play a key role in working on a project with the U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA). Key responsibilities include conducting research on development projects, gathering information through  telephone interviews with U.S. and foreign officials and company executives, compiling information on infrastructure development projects, and analyzing the political, social and economic variables that contributed to the projects success or failure.  Position will also entail working on the project database in ACCESS.
Key qualifications of a successful candidate will include:
·        Motivation and willingness to learn and take on new challenges,
·        B.A. in international relations, economics, political science, or related discipline with at least one year of professional experience or M.A. in international relations,
·        interest and experience in international development economics,
·        strong writing skills with the ability to synthesize and clearly articulate technical information,
·        cross-cultural communications skills,
·        programming knowledge and experience in Access,
·        analytical and quantitative skills,
·        ability to work independently
Annual salary range:  $23,000-$28,000
Interested candidates may apply by mail, fax or email to
Jennifer Krueger
The QED Group, LLC
4710 Bethesda Ave, Suite 204
Bethesda, MD 20814
Fax: 301-654-7236