Redundancy and Confusion: The Site Where Things are Roundabout and Hard to Deal With

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood for the purpose of chucking wood in the general direction of other woodchucks awaiting the arrival of wood to chuck?

This is Where More Links Would Appear, But There is Only One Really Long Link Because it May or May Not be Funnier This Way

(Un)Fortunately for you, the following message is neither redundant nor confusing:





To attain the worthiness required for the exploration of this web site, simply disregard the previous messages depicting your lack of worthiness and the fact that you should attempt to gain the aforementioned worthiness required for the exploration of this web site, which you are not currently in possession of and should try to obtain as soon as inhumanly possible.

Change Can Be a Horrible Thing

BUT, nothing has changed, yet.

In the hopes that those things that will be changing in the coming future in order to improve or de-improve this web site which you may or may not be worthy of exploring due to your lack or gain of worthiness which you must attain for the exploration of this site, I have added this message demonstrating how change can be a horrible thing.

It's a baseball bat, you moron!

It's a baseball, you moron!

Has the batter swung and missed or is he about to hit a homerun?

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"Redundancy and Confusion: The Site Where Things are Roundabout and Hard to Deal With" is brought to you by people who do things like this at the place where they work to do things like this, which in and of itself is redundant because this is one of the things that they do.

Unknown Gem Type: tlx.tlxinv.guestbook