Digimon RPG
The Digimon RPG is an interactive role-play-game where you create a character and his/her Digimon and then post what you do in the Digiworld on a ONEList email board. It is a fun group full of creative people who put a whole new life into the Digimon story, each with a unique Digimon of their own. The best thing about it is, you don't have to follow along exactly with the story, so you're more free to post what you'd like. You can go to the homepage here.
NOTE: They are not accepting any more members at the moment.

NAME: Nikki Anndersen
AGE: Thirteen
FROM: California
PERSONALITY: Nikki is a friendly, energettic person who tends to be outgoing but occasionally sarcastic and lazy. She holds highly the value of friendship and is very loyal to her friends, making her crest fit her perfectly.
BIO: Nikki lived near Santa Cruz, California, where she'd often visit her friends at the Boardwalk on Saturday afternoons. It was a five minute walk (three if she was wearing her rollerblades) and it had become such a habbit that she didn't pay much attention to her surroundings on the way over. Then, on one summer afternoon, as she skated towards the arcade to meet her friends as usual, she ran over something and tripped. But as soon as she touched the thing that had tripped her--which she assumed was a Gigapet--she was sucked into the Digiworld. She dropped from the skies over a lake, but luckily some nearby Marching Fish formed a net to save her. They took her ashore, where she got a brief rest before being attacked by a Sukimon and a Chuumon. Lucky for her, a tiny Digimon came to save the day, and she discovered that it was more than just an acquaintance.
NAME: Equimon
TYPE: Data
LEVEL: Rookie
EVOLUTIONS: Embiemon, Foalamon, Equimon, Pegamon/Maedateanumon, Pyrannamon/Pyranumon, Seddogiamon
ATTACKS: Rainbow Wave
PERSONALITY: Equimon is a spirited, friendly Digimon who is very energettic and very optimistic about things in general. She also thinks reasonably, but tends to give up easily and lets her imagination run away with herself.
(Thank you, Bri, for the pegasus pics!)
NAME: Maedateanumon
TYPE: Vaccine
LEVEL: Champion
EVOLUTIONS: Pyranumon, Seddogiamon
ATTACKS: Skyfyre, Mach Flight
INFO: The two-horned unicorn Maedateanumon is a majestic second champion form of Equimon. Altough her wings are rather small, she is capable of flying incredible speeds, and on rare occasions, is said to reach mach speed. Of a fire element, she is very sensetive to others' feelings, and when another horse is threatened or otherwise disturbed, she becomes hostile. The unique thing about these Digimon is that they speak through their mind, not their mouth.
NAME: Pegamon
TYPE: Data
EVOLUTIONS: Pyrannamon (ultimate), Seddogiamon (mega)
ATTACKS: Storm Beam, Mystic Winds
INFO: Pegamon is a legendary Digimon that was believed for a while to not exist. They are very fast runners and it is said that their horns possess magical powers. Their ability to controll the weather to their liking makes them a powerful opponent, as they can create a blizzard and a tornado at the same time with just the flap of a wing. Pegamon is the first champion form of Equimon, but is only a temporary evolution.
NAME: Pyrannamon (Pyranumon)
TYPE: Data
EVOLUTIONS: Seddogiamon (mega)
ATTACKS: Firestorm, Storm Beam, Smash Kick
INFO: Pyrannamon is a firery warhorse Digimon with tough armor and hooves hard enough to break stone. They are the fastest known sprinters of the Digital World and still possess the ability to controll the weather, like their Champion forms, Pegamon. If evolved from Maedateanumon, Pyrannamon becomes Pyranumon, who gives up her speed on land to possess her speed in the air. Pyranumon also resembles Maedateanumon more, with considerably more armor.
NAME: Seddogiamon
TYPE: Vaccine
EVOLUTIONS: none (yet ~_^)
ATTACKS: Holy Inferno, Spear of Destiny
INFO: The Mega form of Equimon, the  fire goddess Seddogiamon is nothing like her other pre-evolutions. With the power to controll anything related to fire to her very liking, she is one of the most deadly Digis out there. However, this form takes much energy to maintain, and weakens Equimon severely after every battle.
Nikki's Tag and Crest -- the Crest of Loyalty