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Mirai Trunks Bio

Here's where you can learn about the great saiya-jin himself!



Mirai Trunks grew up in a world of turmoil. All he knew was distruction. Born to Mirai Bulma, and Vegeta, only his father was around for almost a year of his life. He grew up only knowing Gohan who inturn turns into the worlds lone warrior. His mother raised him to be a polite young man and treat people with respect. In the beginning of the movie Trunks is a young teen struggling with his anger, wishing for a happier future. Desperate to defeat the androids he begs Gohan to be train.Gohan (a young man) who has kept the androids at bay for all these years accepts.



After many training exercises, (with no success with becoming a super saiya-jin.) Gohan beleives that Trunks is ready for the real thing. They attack the androids. Gohan in protection of Trunks ends up losing an arm. After the all the healing, they start training again. Trunks becomes close to becoming a super saiya-jin.



Durning training one day they herd the androids distroying a city. Gohan wanted to leave but Trunks wanted to come. For Trunks' own safety Gohan knocks him out and tells him that some day it will be his turn to defend the planet, it was his battle for now. It was a long battle and a ruthless one but in the end Gohan, Trunks' only close friend, died. With this, Trunks' anger gives him the power to super.  

Years after Gohan's death Trunks attempts to attack the androids. Unsuccesful in his attempt, Trunks goes along with his mother's plan and builds a time machine. With this he will go back in time to tell Goku about the androids and give him the antidote for the virus that he will contract. He goes 20 years into the past to tell him and ends up saving Goku's friends and family from Freezer and King Cold. Giving Goku the information about the androids and the antidote he leaves for his own time.



Three years later Trunks returns to the past to check if everything went as planned. Unfortuatly it hasn't so Trunks' stays to make sure that it changes. During this he learns about Cell and trains with his father in the Room of Spirt and Time to defeat Cell. During this time Trunks finally finds out what his Father was like. (cold but caring when his child was in need. example: Trunks gets killed by Cell and he attacks like a mad man!!!) Trunks is very proud of his father and cares for him greatly and also wants to prove to him that he is good enough to be his son.



Vegeta battles Cell after he comes out of the Room of Spirt and Time. Trunks has own battle with Cell, to stop him from distroying this time line. He does ascend, but does not hit super saiya-jin 2. (the place was ultra [or asceneded... not sure which one] saiya-jin place in between super 1 and 2.) He does not win the fight between him and Cell. Cell creates the "Cell Games". During the nine days before the Cell Games Trunks trains at Kami's lookout and in the Room of Spirt and Time. During the Cell games Trunks is Killed by Cell but once Gohan distroys Cell, Trunks is brought back with all the others Cell had killed.



A day after the dragonballs revive everthing, Trunks goes home to distroy the androids and Cell in his time line. Everyone is there to say bye, and with one last look at his father he disappered. He gets home and vist with his mother. Later he finds out where the androids are. Easily Trunks defates the androids, and later Cell too. It is unknown what happens to him, just that everything was rebuilt. And he at lest visted the Z fighters once (movie 9 and at the end of episode 179: Free the Future [not known if same accurance!!!]).

Mirai Trunks is seen in Movie 7, 8 and 9.