Di's Delightful Creations
& Crafts

Page 3

Peeps Poem
Little yellow chicken ..PEEPS don't cheep
LIttle yellow chicken ..PEEPS don't sleep
Little yellow chicken ...PEEPS to keep
Little yellow chicken... PEEPS so neat
Little yellow chicken... PEEPS to eat!
Yum, Yum, Yum!
©Birdiekity- 2000

Peeps Poem
A PEEP in your basket
A PEEP in your hand
A PEEP little treat
Since you are so grand!
©Birdiekity - 2000

Peeps Poem
Little peeps all in a row
Oh dear which one must go?
They all look cute as can be
Oh why does this happen to me?
One little bite and then another
That one is gone now...
So where is his brother?
Two down ,and there are plenty more.
If I run out I can go to the store!
Even though there are plenty
I may have had one PEEP to many.
  My tummy is as full as can be
Oh dear, why does this happen to me?

Marriage is a recipe for happiness we're told
Home cookin', to a happy family, is more precious to us than gold
A recipe that's tried and true-- that's from you, your aunt, or mother
Solidifies our friendships that we share with one another.
If you have a favorite recipe that you just love to cook
Write it down upon a card–well put it in a book.
You will help make memories and also cooking pride
And it will become a treasure for the happy groom and bride!
Written by Shelley Sparks

I see you in the nicest places
 Soft and sweet with kitten faces
In my garden between the sun and shade
Your scent is delicate and sweet
 Sharing it with those you greet
Imagine all the friends that you have made
You nod your head in Springtime breezes
 And defy late winter freezes
Drinking in the sunbeam lemonade.
So many gifts that God has given
 Making each day worth living
Pansies, may your blessings never fade!
Written by Shelley Sparks

Ten Ugly Piggies
There are parts of our body, that aren't real cute
Reach down real low, and pull off your boot
I'll try to be delicate... and a little discrete
I'm taking those fat things that hang off your feet!
Toes are so silly and not too attractive
But they serve their purpose and help keep us active
It doesn't help a smidgeon when we paint our nails red
Because, if you don't trim them...your hose they will shred
We play "little piggy" to keep them all happy
A silly old game taught to us by our pappy
But if we didn't have them, we'd fall down in defeat
For the keep us upright and keep our shoes on our feet!
Written by Shelley D. Sparks

I can't run for the Senate in New York this year..
You, see I'm from Texas and I'm needed HERE!
Our governor wants to succeed Mr. Clinton
So G.W. needs me to fill in...he's been hintin'
But I wouldn't mind running for Queen of Siam
You think I'm not qualified...oh but I AM!
I once owned a kitten that looked Siamese
So that should allow me to run, if you please!
So Hillary will just have to beat Guiliani
I'm off to the orient, where it is sunny!
Written by Shelley D. Sparks

Add A Little Cool Whip
Add a little Cool Whip to your day
Top it off with time to play
Taste the sunshine and the flowers
Don't just "rest" in nigh-time hours!
Add some Cool Whip to your life
It lessens all the woes and strife
When you enjoy the sweeter things
You'll reap the deliciousness it brings!
Don't save the Cool Whip for another time
Indulge yourself, and you'll feel fine
You'll find the happiness of which you dream
When you savor life with lots of cream!
–Shelley D. Sparks 4/00

Early Spring
Oh what a very lovely day,
Is going on outside
It's time to plant a seed or two
Or take a country ride.
The sweet fresh air is such a treat
After being closed inside
Its time to greet the flowers again
In my garden, I take pride
The springtime lifts my very soul
With warmth and sunny days
It's such a blessing and a gift
That God gives many ways
–Shelley Sparks 4/00

Dust - A Lament
What is dust?
Its many things...
Its dryer lint,
And insect wings,
Its dandruff from a Siamese cat,
And feather fluff from Granny's hat.
It's the pollen from a rose,
A grain of sand, from France-- that blows,
It's spider's webs and mousie hair,
Sequin flakes that fall off-- Cher,
Its sunbeams, moonbeans and some fuzz,
That makes it do --just what it does.
It's fibers, flowers, fuzz and fleas--
That makes us sniffle, sniff, and sneeze!
It flies around within the air
And lands on every bed and chair
Why...we'd have dust by the cup!...
If we didn't sweep it up.
Even Martha S...cannot avoid
(And it keeps HER gainfully employed)
For Martha makes great big monies
By stuffing pillows with dust "bunnies"
And its praises she'll always sing
Dust to her–-
"Is a good thing!"
With all the fervor I could muster
I went around with a feather duster
As a housewife I've "Pledged" to keep
The little flecks off of our street
"Behold" and now my song is done
...oh darn....there falls–
Another one!
–Shelley D. Sparks 4-16-00

Teachers Poem
Teachers are the gardeners
Of our kindergarten tots
We send them off to school to learn,
Some soil in their pots.
We've put in a little seed
And now it starts to grow
As they learn from their teachers,
In these gardens that they sow.
The stock- it gets stronger
And thenyou'll see a bloom
Soon each and every pot
Starts to blossom in the room.
Teachers are the gardeners
of these little flower pots--
As we send them off to school,
Our precious little tots.

It's eventide!
The sun is slowly gliding down
The west side of the world
And softly over to the East,
The darkness has unfurled
The robins roost in the willows
Gently swaying in the breeze
The old owl hoots from a lonely branch
In a grove of budding trees.
It's eventide!
And soon the moon will shine o'er all
As the colors turn to gray
The sparkling stars will glitter high
Until the dawn brings forth the day
The Earth will be o'er watched tonight
By the old man in the moon
He peeks through the trees
At all he sees
As he whispers Claire de Lune
Good night!
Written by Shelley D. Sparks

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