Bearded Collie

 Bearded Collie


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Bearded Collie Breed Standards








  Breed Description
  Also Called: Highland Collie, Mountain Collie, Hairy Mou ed Collie
  Height: The Bearded Collie's height is 20-22 inches.
  Weight: The Bearded Collie weighs 40-60 lbs.
  Colors: A Bearded Collie's coat changes during various periods of its life. Puppies born black, brown, fawn or blue, soon after fading to light gray or cream. As the Bearded Collie  matures, they darken again to either black, brown, blue, or fawn. The Bearded Collie's final coat color is somewhere between the puppy coat and the yearling coat.
  General Appearance: The Bearded Collie is a medium sized dog with a medium length coat that follows the natural lines of the body and allows plenty of daylight under the body. The body is long and lean, and, though strongly made, does not appear heavy. A bright inquiring expression is a distinctive feature of the breed. The Bearded Collie should be shown in a natural stance.
  Temperament: The Bearded Collie is hardy and active, with an aura of strength and agility characteristic of a real working dog. Bred for centuries as a companion and servant of man, the Bearded Collie is a devoted and intelligent member of the family. He is stable and self-confident, showing no signs of shyness or aggression. This is a natural and unspoiled breed.
  Care: The Bearded Collie needs regular grooming to keep their coats free of mats.
  Training: --
  Activity: The Bearded Collie needs at least one to two hours of exercise each week to keep them fit. They prefer to live with a family that is active and outdoorsy. Bearded Collies make excellent farm dogs, they love the outdoors, even harsh, wet weather and should never be confined indoors. They love to run free for exercise.
  Life Span: The Bearded Collie lives about 14-15 years.
  Litter Size: --
  Country of Origin: The Bearded Collie originated in Scotland.
  Brief History: The origin of the Bearded Collie is said to stem from the breeding of Polski Owczarek Nizinnys (Polish Lowland Sheepdogs), left in Scotland in the 1500's, to local herding dogs. The Bearded Collie was a common breed in Scotland, used extensively as a sheep herding dog and cattle drover. They became familiar to the rest of the world in the 1940's and have become very popular since that time.
  Registries: AKC, UKC


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