Chinese Crested Dog

 Chinese Crested


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  Breed Description
  Height: The Chinese Crested's height should be 11-13 inches tall.
  Weight: The Chinese Crested's weight is 5-12 lbs.
  Colors: The Chinese Crested can be any color.
  General Appearance: There are two types of Chinese Crested; the Hairless, and a coated-type, called a Powderpuff. A toy dog, fine-boned, elegant and graceful. The distinct varieties are born in the same litter. The Hairless with hair only on the head, tail and feet and the Powderpuff, completely covered with hair. The breed serves as a loving companion, playful and entertaining.
  Temperament: The Chinese Crested is gay and alert. They are loyal and affectionate dogs who make wonderful, playful, and entertaining companions. Good with children and other pets.
  Care: Powderpuff Chinese Cresteds need weekly grooming. Hairless Chinese Cresteds need only the skin massaged regularly with cream.  They may become sticky and dirty in hot weather as they perspire. Hairless Chinese Cresteds should also not be left in bright sunlight because their skin may burn. It is important to use lotion to keep the hairless variety's skin from becoming dry. Suntan lotion should also be used to protect the skin when outdoors. The hairless must be kept warm, especially during winter months.
  Training: The Chinese Crested has an average trainability. They tend to have a mind of their own.
  Activity: The Chinese Crested needs minimal exercise.
  Life Span: The Chinese Crested lives about 10-14 years.
  Litter Size: The Chinese Crested averages about 2-4 puppies per litter.
  Country of Origin: The Chinese Crested is believed to have originated in China.
  Brief History: The Chinese Crested is one of several hairless breeds in the world. They are believed to have evolved from hairless dogs that may have appeared in pariah dog litters as a result of mutations. The uniqueness of this type of dog caught the attention of people from Africa to China. While the factual origin of the hairless dog has not been definitively established, it is believed that the Chinese Crested and other hairless dogs shared a common ancestry. However, the Chinese Crested is an ancient breed, dating as far back as the 1500's. Allegedly, early Chinese explorers and traders took these dogs with them on their ships and they frequently sold or traded the dogs with people met along the way. As a result, Cresteds have been found in port cities wherever Chinese ships have visited.
  Registries: AKC, CKC, FCI (Group 9), KC (GB), UKC


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